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On the wild jet, gear was analyzing each meteor they had in their possession. As he analyzed them as he notice their containment was almost reaching full capacity. He goes an tells teebone. Teebone was in the war room mapping the locations he's been.  Then gear arrives.

Teebone: hey gear, anything to report

Gear: yes, it seems that we need a palace to hold more meteor fragments. Though I do love the jet, we should start thinking about a base of operations on the ground.

Teebone: maybe you're right, time to get the team together.

They nod and walk away. Spike and Dingo were in the lounge was when teebone and Gear arrive. Spiked offered them snacks. 

Spike: yo bros, you want some grub

Teebone: not this time boys, we got an important announcement.

Gear: it's time we find a base to call our home.

Dingo: sweet, what you guys got planned 

Teebone: I'll work with gear to find it. But for now we must land the jet and continue our hunt for  meteor fragments. 

Dingo: alright any popped up.

Gear: why scanning the fragments we have, I have been alerted to several fragments around the world. 

Dingo: looks like we got some hunting to do.

Teebone: we'll each split up and get the fragements, we'll meet back up to At Rendezvous locations. Me and fear will focus on a new containment cell for future fragments. Remember we can't let anyone find out threes exist, especially not Eklispe.

Dingo: got it bro, so where are we going  

Teebone fills them in.

Location change brought to you by team wild logo

Deep underground. Eklispe was sitting on his chair. Hargrave brings him his drink.

Hargrave: here you are sir

Eklispe: thank you Hargrave, what time is it

Hargrave: 12:30pm sir

Eklispe: good, it's just in time for the video conference with him

Hargrave: him sir, honestly compare to don pyro and tailis, he is worse

Eklispe: worse but smart Hargrave, and that's why he's better to have on our side

A screen lowers itself into the room. And turns to reveal a skull face man with red eyes.

???: mr. Eklispe, it's a pleasure to see you as always, have need of my dinosaur fossil

Eklispe: not this time, their is an old acquaintance of mine, whose actions speak for himself

They begin talking. 

Location change brought to you by the ellipse logo. 

The jet lands to the ground. The group splits up. In an off road terrain, dingo drives his motorcycle to a dirt bike race.  Once there he enrolls into the competition.

Dingo: teebone never said we couldn't have fun doing it 

He goes to tune up his bike. He doesn't notice recognizable people at the race as well. Jinja and Dax had signed up to get for the dirt bike race.

Jinja: when commandant Marshall Ace said we should take a break, I don't think he meant this 

Dax: chill princess, we already have a the Monsuno essence we need, so we just van sit back and relax.

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