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-Dream Realm

The scene transit to a lush forest, brimmed with beautiful trees. We see a person walking into view. The person was Teebone, who had no idea where he was.

Teebone: where am I

???: keystone, the keystone

Teebone: what the, what keystone

Teebone follows the voice. The scene transits to another location. Where we see Chase resurfacing from a river.

Chase: oh krag, why did it have to be water

???: lynchpin, the lynchpin

Chase: what, what does this have to do with lock

Chase sighs and follows the voice, as he's been through this event already. The scene transits to a temple surrounded by crystals as well as multiple Monsuno statues. Teebone makes his way to the temple.

Teebone: wow, never been here before

Chase: Teebone?

Teebone looks to his right and sees Chase. They glare at each other and reach for their cores... only for them to be gone.

Teebone: well that's shocking

Chase: yeah

???: the keystone, the lynchpin

They look up to see two auras, emanating from Monsuno's essence.

???: the keystone and the lynchpin, Yin and Yang, two different factions with one goal, be once the beacon, the beacon that'll bring the bridge to your world

Teebone: what is it talking about

Chase: it's talking about Lock, but I don't know what the Keystone is, that one is new to me

Then the glowing Monsuno took the forms of Lock and Drago.

???: the keystone

???: And the lynchpin

Teebone: Drago, he's the keystone

Then the place begins to shine brightly, consuming teebone and chase. The scene transits to the teebone in the wild jet, sweating bullets.

Teebone: what the heck was that

Teebone looks at Drago's core as it shines.

Teebone: I guess you have more potential buddy.

Teebone falls back to sleep.

Location change brought to you by team core tech.


The scene transit to inside the cloud carrier. It was morning and Chase ran around looking for his dad. As he ran done the hall he saw Bren and Beyal.

Beyal: oh good morning chase

Chase: heys guys, you know where my dad is

Bren: oh you didn't hear, your dad went on an expedition to find more meteor fragments.

Chase: what, to where

Bren: I think he said the lowlands

Beyal: near Eklispe old mining facility

Chase: we'll that's great cause I got to tell him something

Beyal: I'm sure he'll be fine Chase, but I need to tell you something

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