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In the Rocky Mountains, team wild were resting at the a river. Gear was meditating and dingo was working on his bike. Spike and teebone. They were having a battle. Teryx slid across the floor, facing drago. Drago roar catching everyone attention.

Teebone: you sure you want to do this spike, drago been known to go overboard 

Spike: you forget yo, I was in the spin go tournament, I know how to fight

Dingo: you were in the tournament for one round

Spike: whatever yo, teryx wildfire

Teebone: drago, dragon breath  

Both Monsunos unleashed their fire breath.  The attacks collide, scorching the ground. Once the smoke clear. Teryx was gone. Drago looked around.

Teebone: drago look up

Drago does so and sees Teryx dying.

Spike: Teryx, flare strike

Teryx fires the barrage of meteors. They hit the ground. Drago blocks them all with his tail. 

Spike: Teryx, soaring tempest

Teryx flies at drago like a drill. Getting close drago backs up.

Teebone: drago, demolition wave

He send the wave attack at Teryx, both collide creating an explosion. Through the smoke cloud, Teryx fell to earth. He gets up an was drain.

Spike: man, drago is wicked tough.

Teebone: yeah, drago hasn't even showed his full potential[thoughts] but that lock, he's special too, almost like these two were meant to meet. Alright who else wants to fight

Gear: Im done meditating, I would like to spar

Dingo: sure why not, I'll get to sure these newbies how the pros fight

Drago and Teryx back up. Gear went to spike. And  dingo sided with teebone. They brought out their cores.

Gear: Horridian 

Dingo: undertow

Both: launch

They spun their cores. They made contact and the energy shot into the sky. Both Monsunos emerged, roaring into the air and ready to fight.

Gear: tribal crusher.

Once on the ground he fires the attack.  Drago used atomic tail an block the attacks. Drago and undertow looked at each other an smirked.  Undertow tunnels underground. Teryx flies up as undertow burst out. Undertow unleashed his sonic blast at Horridian. He dodged the attack an divides into three. Each start to swarm and attack drago.  Drago counter then all. Teryx unleashed another soaring tempest. While undertow transformed into his werewolf from and caught the attack. He then throws Teryx into Horridains.  Undertow rushed and slash all of them. Freezing them. Drago fired howling blast, decimating all. The two returned to their cores.

Spike: man, that was intense 

Gear: those two Monsuno have a history

Teebone: you have no idea. Retu-

Dingo: hey bud, let them catch up, we got to talk

Teebone nods as they both walk to the jet. Drago and the revered undertow walk to the woods.  They look at each and nods, in a meadow both of them rested. Inside the jet.  Teebone and bringing begin talking.

Teebone: so, how's life on the road

Dingo: been better, I see how you been busy, glad to see you again.

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