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Flying through the sky, over land, was the cloud carrier. Inside John ace was briefing with team core tech.

John: alright, I brought you off your mission to discuss about an important situation 

Jinja: if it's about Bren eating, then I agree

Bren: hey 

Dax: she has a point glasses, you been stuffing your face since you got here.

Been: hey I'm a growing boy, beside I'm not the only who's been eating

Beyal: the food was, delicious 

John: focus everyone, it's not about Bren, this time it's about something much dangerous.

Chase: if it's about Eklispe and Charlemagne, no problem sir

John: not this, you have already face this opponent 

He pulls up a screen revealing teebone.

Chase: teebone

Beyal: your friend turned rival

Dax: yeah, an with bleezin Monsuno that pack a punch

John: indeed and that's not all

Shows pictures of gear and spike.

John: he has recruited spike and gear, an given them new Monsuno. Such as, Neo Teryx, and Horridian, as strong as the first Monsuno we seen, drago.

Chase: yeah

John: an they are looking  for something in specific locations. That's why I'd sent strike squad on locations around the world, to see if we can find them.  

Chase: so what you want us to go find teebone and his crew

John: no, I need you here, to track down Eklispe and Charlemagne, now that they're free who knows what trouble they'll cause, even worse if they're working together 

Chase: wait so you're benching us, just because we lost a few fights. 

John: I know you want to find teebone chase, I do too, he holds the answer of what aspired at the prison break out. And most importantly, you all need rest. It's best to regroup and plan ahead. I want one of my best teams in fighting shape to combat these new threat. Meeting adjourned, now go get some rest

Team core techs leaves the room. 

Bren: well I'm gonna go hit the cafeteria, whos with me

Dax: your on your own glasses I'm going to a movie, coming monkfish

Beyal: I will be joining Bren, I hear they have pizza

Jinja: I'll join you Dax, what about you chase. Chase?

She looks at him, giving an expression she knows. 

Jinja: chase, let it go, we'll find teebone. 

Chase: yeah, yeah I know, I'll see you later 

Chase walks off. Later that night chase was dreaming. In the forest at a camp site.

Chase: where am I 

Then he hears lock roar. He follows it, he comes behind a wall and sees lock thrown into a building. 

Chase: lock

Lock see him and hyper evolves. He is fighting divebomb. Divebomb released a screech attack. Lock jumps out the way a prepares to attack. but gets  tackled by drago. Who roars and the two battle. But drago overpower lock and a pins him down.

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