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Deep in the mountains of tehab. Snow blowed furiously, in the Tiger temple, where beyal once reside. Storm grunt we're having their break, now that the protective Monsuno shield was in place.

Storm grunt: man that storm is raging 

Storm grunt2:  yeah, I'm just glad that spell was put up, thanks to Mrs. Suno

Storm grunt3: her skills are what they say, now we've got nothing to worry about.

Storm grunt: tell me about it, imagine what's out there right now. 

They continue talking. But what they didn't know is that something is out there.  Or really someone. High up in the mountains, Deep within a cave, the wind howled. And inside the cave was the smart genius of the team wild, Gear. He already obtained several meteor fragments in tehab. It didn't surprise him there were so many here. The monks knew more about the Monsuno than anyone. Gear decided to infiltrate the temple to learn more.  Right now he was meditating. Then something happen. His core, Horridian, begins to glow. Gear started to have visions. He sees multiple flashes of Monsuno in combat.

Gear: what is this

He sees the Monsuno were some of team core tech.  There were in a battlefield. He looks seeing a new Monsuno, a lion baring the marks of the core techs design. It charges at a Monsuno. They collide lightning and fire. The Monsuno the lion battle is one gear never seen but it share markings of a wild Monsuno. Then gear hears to large roars. He sees next shocks him. A beam of green Monsuno light. Inside was lock and drago, neither of them holding back. Then the blinding light consumed everything. Gear wakes and breathes heavily.

Gear: what was that, visions, of some kind. [sees Horridain glow] are you showing me something friend

Gear that gasp, going into another vision. It shows him the cloud carrier, going deeper into the a room. And in that room he sees the monk, beyal. 

Gear: the monk, the one who has the Monsuno sight. So he might solve me answers. Hm

He moves to beyal calendar, it states he's coming to the temple tomorrow

Gear: ah perfect, now I can find answers 

Gear then laughs as on the cloud carrier beyal wakes up. He looks around.

Beyal: weird, I felt I was being watched, oh well, must've been the food been made me eat

Beyal went back to sleep. The next day. Beyal is walking to the suno room. He knocks on it as Me. Suno was there and let him in.

Beyal: good morning Mr. Suno

Jeredy: good morning Beyal, on your way to the the temple

Beyal: yes, I was about to take the chopper I was gonna see how's chase is doing.

Jeredy: he doing well, lock is still the same since the casino event. I'm gonna run some test on him to see what's wrong.

Beyal: hope it goes well Mr. Suno

Beyal then depart as Jeredy looks back at his desk. Seeing lock on the desk, as it glows back and forth. 

Location change brought to you by team wild logo.  

Then we see the wild jet flys in the sky.

Teebone: thanks for letting me know dingo

Dingo: yeah sorry boss

Teebone: it's not your fault, they were gonna find out sooner then later 

Dingo: alright meet up with spike at the rendezvous point. Cya soon

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