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In the Air. Teebone was flying in the wild jet. He was heading to a location for something. Meteor fragments, or someone. He is contacted. He answers it as it's from dingo and gear. Dingo went first.

Dingo: sup boss, hey gear, wanted let ya know that I got in contact with spike, he's doing pretty well

Gear: that is good, but I have bad news my brothers, beyal and Ms. Suno have supected the meteor fragment. 

Dingo: sorry bro, same with Dax, but he only got a glimpse of the walk.

Teebone: it's find bro, knowing those two they'll put 2 and 2 together. Especially once John ace and Jeredy Suno get involved.  It best that they know cause if Eklispe found out.

Dingo: I know man, Eklispe was a great teacher, now he's turn into this. 

Teebone: tell me about it, he's discovered a way to bring back dinosaurs from extinct, and just use it as a stepping stone for his ultimate Monsuno. Now matter what he throws away. Or who

Teebone rubs his pocket; which contain the third Monsuno core. 

Teebone: I'm arriving at a location where June is

Gear: oh, the last member,I wish you luck brother. Dino I shall see you at the rendezvous point

Dingo: can't wait brother, oh and tell spike don't get into trouble, I'm starting to like the little runt

Teebone: goodbye to the both of you 

Teebone hangs up on them while setting the coordinates of the destination;Turning the ship on process. Scene transits to a city in the cover of night; the ship descends down to the ground; cloaking itself in darkness. Teebone walks out closing the door; he puts on his hoody and walks away. 

Location change brought to you by team core tech

Scene transit for Storm cloud carrier, John ace just finished briefing his soldiers when he is contacted by Jeredy. In Jeredy lab John ace enters the lab. 

Jeredy: glad you came john.

John: I'm happy to, we have a grave matter on our hands

Jeredy: yes, from what brush snd Sophia described teebone and his team are searching the planet for power crystals that contain limitless Monsuno energy. The question is how did the come to be

John: well, the way I see it is that teebone holds are the answers, I just hope he's still the same kid from before.

Jeredy: yes, cause knowing him he'll keep the essence safe for the time being. 

John: but we'll have to prepare for the worse, I need team core tech and strike squad at their best.

Jeredy: that is why I gave dreadfall and ironjaw the same frequency as lock's.

John: good, but what of the Monsuno

Jeredy: that's the tricky part. Lock is a very special Monsuno, from the day I created it to the day he hyper evolved. And now after his few rounds with drago, he hasn't left his core since. 

John: seems even Monsunos can go through the same we do when we hit rock bottom.

Jeredy: yes, for now we can only wait. Only chase can help lock.

Location change brought to you by Team Wild 

The scenes zooms in onto locks core, in the room being examined by Mr. Suno. His core producing a dimmed glow. Back in the city at the cover of night. Teebone walks through the crowd of people. Searching for any clew of June. His trail goes cold. Teebone is leaning against an alley wall. 

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