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Finally reaching there destinations the jet lands on a platform.  The two look around, as they were in the middle of mechanopolis. Spike gets his core ready.

Teebone: no, this place brought us here for a reason, keep it ready for now

Spike: alright bro, but if one of these robots starts acting funny, its on

They walk though the city. Spike was a bit skeptical Teebone can trust it.  They come face to face with the factory.  

Teebone before we go inside we best bring some back up.

They nod an brought they cores, releasing drago and Teryx.  Drago looks at teebone.

Teebone: alright guys, recon, makes sure we're the only ones here.

Drago nods and walk around. Teryx does aerial recon. They walk inside. While searching around spike was creaped out.

Spike: yo teebone, how much longer till we find who were looking for

Teebone: spike don't tell me your scared, you've been in creeper places than this

Spike: but you must've heard the stories, how this place can come to life

Teebone: relax, it isn't that scary

Then suddenly the lights turn on and the floor starts moving. It was a conveyor belt. 

Teebone: see perfectly... fine!!!

They fall into a hole. Outside drago and Teryx continue searching, then dragi caught something? He tracks it to a storage room, and he sees it full with Monsuno barrels. He tells Teryx as he enters the building. But something goes off as large vehicles grab drago. Pulling him to another building. Teryx flies after him. Drago soon frees himself as they face an open area.  They look around as they were shot at. Back with the others. They fell into a room.

Spike: they next time I say this place is bad, this place is bad

Teebone: noted, where are we

???: your near the heart mhm

They get up an face the direction of the voice. Walk to them was the only resident of the city. Rot Johnny.

Johnny: mhm rot Johnny the name, the city been moving, hmm waking up to call, the call of someone. An it has a bad temper. 

Teebone: okay, can you show this heart

Spike: wait why 

Teebone: because he might show us the way out. A maybe to who's been talking to us.

Spike: gotcha

Johnny: alright, if you done mumbling, follow

The follow Johnny through the halls. Johnny leads it to the heart of the city.  

Teebone: woah... magnificent 

Spike: so this is the heart, I thought it will be moving.

All of the sudden the heart glows. 

Johnny: mhm mhm told ya it was a bit of a temper. After being used by number man and Eklispe man.

Teebone: Eklispe, of course he would use a magnificent creation for his dangerous Monsuno

They make their way down an look around. Outside drago and Teryx finished off the  blasters. But then suddenly the floor open and they fell in. They hit the floor and moved on a conveyor belt. Mechanical arms grab and pin them down. Fuel by Monsuno essence. They were being scanned as they move on the conveyor.  Back with the others teebone walks to the computer. He taps a key on the keyboard turns on.

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