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Laura's Pov






A sigh of frustration left my throat. I was counting the seconds on the clock like it was the only piece of evidence that time was automatically moving, and I wasn't stuck in an alternative reality where everyone was frozen except me.

My eyes lowered from the clock on the wall, to stare at my coworkers.

They looked just as tired... hold up, what if my theory was accurate? They weren't really moving.

Narrowing my eyes, I looked around, trying to catch a movement, a pen clicking, someone typing on their lap top, maybe footsteps or a gust of wind pushing the paper off the table.

Nothing. Nothing was happening.

I blinked, trying to think of a reasonable explanation. Was the clock really the only thing that was moving? Were these people even-


I jumped immediately, scared shirtless at the hands that touched my shoulders.

"Time to leave" I heard my friend's voice, and turned my head to look at her.

"You moved" my voice shook.

I was starting to believe the frozen time theory.

Her dark eyebrows furrowed immediately, and she blinked "Huh?"

"Uhh" I looked around, unsure of my next words "Never mind"

"Okay- it's too late for this shit. Get up. We need to get home and I'm tired" she spoke in her thick french accent, patting my back.

I could agree with that statement- I'd been a long work day of actually doing my job, ending it early but still having to stay because of the schedule, then spending the next two hours either on my lap top, playing a stupid game, on my phone, or listening to music secretly.

You would think getting to work with one of your friends would be more fun, but it really doesn't count when she's all the way into a completely different room. That's how I see it anyway.

"Did you end up downloading that app for tracking your period?" I questioned her, noticing she was leaning against my desk, as I tidied up my stuff.

"I did" she nodded "I don't trust it though"

"It's a menstrual app Cami" I stared at her, then looked down to pick up a few pens "What kind of data do you think they're stealing?"

Honestly, Camille was the smartest girl I knew, but she had trust issues when it came to literally anything.

In other ways, we were pretty similar. Starting from the appearance: brown hair, petite figure, similar style etc.

She was a little taller than me though, her hair was straighter and longer while mine were shorter and had highlights, and she had dark eyebrows that complimented her blue eyes perfectly.

"It's not about the data dumbass" she rolled her eyes, as I threw on my coat "According to it I should've had my period two weeks ago"

"Oh" I suddenly stopped in place, coat half-on, and stared at her.

"Yeah" she nodded slowly, making an uneasy face "That, plus the way I've been so sick lately-"

"Does Sebastian know?" was the first question on my brain. Her husband had to know, right?

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