05 | Fire And Ice

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Laura's Pov

I want to be a mystery, yet to be known.

I want to be together, yet alone.

Is it too much to ask to be famous, yet unknown?

To be a wanderer, yet have a home.

Kara Douglas, you genius, you.

I came across those words in her novel, and they lulled my brain to sleep.

It was bright and early today, but I was still thinking about those lines- maybe they were stuck in my head like a repetitive song, or maybe I just found myself between those words.

To be a mystery, yet to be known.

I stared at the familiar building in front of me, feeling all sorts of nerves bubble up as I approached it.

I didn't think I'd find myself here ever again, after that day of sitting on my box in the parking lot, feeling lost.

Certainly, this wasn't where I was supposed to be.

But what if it was?

I sighted, glacing at my reflection in the glass doors, making sure the wind hadn't fucked up my hair completely.

I'd let it loose today, so the possibility of that was large to say the least.

As I passed by Gabby, aka the receptionist, I sent her a weave.

She raised an eyebrow at me, looking so absolutely confused as to why I was here, but let me get in the elevator anyway, staying silent.

Same girl. I don't know what the hell I'm doing here again either.

Once I got to my floor, I came face to face with the open door of the area I used to work at.

I went in that direction first, wanting to say hi to my friend. Camille had clocked in at the usual time today, while I had come in later just for the meeting.

When she saw me walk in, she sat up, and I went over to hug her.

Once she hugged me, she sat back down "You'll do great"

"I'm still mad" was all I could say.

Honestly, my blood was boiling at the reminders of this place, and I was sure that once I came face to face with John again, I'd be extra pissed.

"Stay that way" she winked at me.

Her words made me smile, and I looked away to see Leila walking over to me.

"Hey! Are you back?" she hopefully asked, giving me a quick hug.

Behind her, I saw the eyes of what we're now my ex co-workers, staring at me curiously.

"Nah" I shook my head "I don't know what I'm doing here"

"Ross required a meeting with you. That's what you're doing here" Camille smiled up at me, but I knew that sentence was definitely not directed towards me, but Leila and the rest of the curious staff.

"How could I forget" I rolled my eyes at her.

She giggled, winking at me.

"Wait what? Ross?! Jesus Christ girl I'm scared of him" Leila admitted to me immediately.

"I know what you mean" I sighted.

His demeanor was completely isolating. I'd only had the 'honour' of seeing him once, but the second I saw him I could feel it. He was practically choking to feel.

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