02 | Mr. Lynch

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Laura's Pov

The night at Louie's was just routine.

Thank god, I didn't get fired- somehow managing to get in time.

I covered almost all the same songs as the night before- there was so many familiar faces as that night, yet they loved it every time. I couldn't figure out the why in that one. We had a lot of usuals at the bar.

My performances- well I wouldn't say they were anything special. This was a bar- I was usually sat on a chair as I sung, or I could get up and walk around, sway a little, interact with the audience.

Nothing crazy. Nothing I couldn't handle.

Thankfully I actually liked singing and felt sort of.. passionate about it, otherwise this job would absolutely ruin me, when I considered the amout of work and stress I was putting myself through daily.

I'd figured out my own little routine though, and tried to judgle it as best as I could. Some days were better than others. And hey.. I still had two off days- yes, those were spent either training my voice or taking care of it, but still.

I did some vocal training when I was younger, after my mom figured out I loved music. We didn't have the means for me to continue it for more than three years, but I guess that was better than nothing.

This voice was my tool now. It brought money in my pocket, so I always had to be careful, and make sure I didn't get sick or got a sore throat. Sometimes it was unavoidable, and I wouldn't get paid for the days I wasn't at the bar.

Speaking of, they only had one other singer and we both had scheduled times. She covered the afternoons when the bar would open, and I covered nights since I was still at my other job to take up any other shift.

Of course, most of our clients were usually men. Some of them came so often I'd learned their names.. and usually I would learn them involuntarily.

There was a rule set in the bar to not touch the performers (some of them got a little too into the songs), but what scared me most was that after my shifts.. well, anyone could come up to me, and bars weren't the safest of places, especially at night.

Scary thoughts aside, I did my job as any other night, talked and hung out with my friends in my breaks- Nick even brought me some food which I was very thankful for as I'd been starving all day and...

Still, it felt off.

There was nothing particularly different about the place, nor the lights, the people, what I did, or my friends.. yet there was an unexplainable energy in the air, and I couldn't figure out why.

I was still thinking about it this morning as I got ready- but brushed it off, as I had more important things to worry about.

Like.. the whole New York branch if I actually landed that manager job I dreamed about.

Knowing I had the meeting with my boss early that morning, I made sure I looked as professional as possible, deciding on a white turtleneck and a pair of simple black pants, then swiped away any signs of tiredness with make up, and some jewelry.

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