31 | I'm Not Nice

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Laura's Pov

Laying in bed that night, he looked sleepy, and the second I opened the door, he lifted himself, turning around as the sheets fell, exposing his chest.

The glaring light of a tv that had been left on, fell on him, being the only way I could see his messy bed hair, or the confusion on his face at my presence at his doorstep.

Still, I stood there, determined.

"Tesoro" his voice groggy, as he stared at me. My heart fluttered at hearing that word alone.

I let myself in, closing the door behind me. It wasn't until then, I felt his stare fall fully on me, looking at me, up and down.

I'm certain my missing pants didn't go unnoticed.

"Did I wake you?" I narrowed my eyes, tilting my head to the side.

He licks his lips, as his eyes fall back on mine "No"

"Well, good" I whispered "Because I can't seem to fall asleep"

He runs his hands through his hair, before pulling the sheets off of him, as the hum of a song comes from the tv. I could quickly recognize it as Heartless, The Weeknd.

"Do you need anything?" he makes his way around the bed, and all I can do is stare at him. In only a pair of black boxers, he was giving me a sweet sight of every single shape of his built body. I couldn't look away.

And the more he approached, the more I felt myself heat up. Almost like he was a falme, inching closer.

"I do" I admitted.

He was right in front of me now, staring down at me. My heart practically running laps.

"Are you still cold?" he questioned, touching my cheek.

The pure gentleness of his movements, the confidence in his posture, made me slightly nervous, so i backed up a step.

Maybe I didn't know what I was doing.

"You need me to heat you up?" his next question came just as quick as he stepped back right in front of me, touching my hair.

I stepped back again, and he smiled.

I looked around, noticing once again, I'd backed into the wall- at that point, he had to be doing it on purpose.

Once he made his final step, I knew I was stuck. No more running.

No more running.

"What do you need Laura?" his voice more demanding, as he lifted my chin up.

I stared at him, and could only leave out a deep breath, before mastering up the courage "You"

He seemed surprised at my confession, like he didn't expect me to actually admit it.

"I'm freezing" I whispered- my breathing pattern already a little irregular at the amount of shit I was spitting out.

His smile was charming, sexy, as he leaned into the wall, fully trapping me. There was nothing on my sight anymore, but him. His hazel eyes.

"This might have a bit to do with it" his hand slid down, lading on my thigh.

I hummed, as I felt him rub my thigh again, pressing himself against me.

"We've been here before" he mentioned.

I thought back to the Christmas Gala, biting my lip.

"We have unfinished work" I whispered, leaning more into him "You know I like to finish what I start"

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