16 | Lollipop

708 77 75

Laura's Pov

I slipped off the dress I was wearing, watching it hit the ground.

Right next, I removed my bra, then my underwear.

I'd already taken off any make up, jewelry, or extensions. It was just me and my messy hair- as I stared at myself in the tall mirror of our bathroom.

I tilted my head to the side, rubbing my neck with my hands, as I waited for the water to fill my bath.

I'd been a while since I'd had one. I never usually got the time.

But, tonight I got off work early, and early, for me, was one am.

Either way, the apartment was quiet. I'm certain that even if anyone was awake- they were probably in their rooms, on their phones.

And we had an extra bathroom, so locking myself in this one wasn't going to cause an issue.

All mine.

I felt sleepy, a little tired physically, yet.. my heart yearned for something... someone.

Someone to touch, to play with, to adore, to kiss.

I felt frustrated, sure.

One long day. One longer night- he was everywhere.

And here I was, staring at myself in the mirror- lost in thought. Staring at my body to remind myself I had one, underneath all that pressure, control, and articles of clothing.

It was just me. A fucking human.

I managed to snatch my eyes off the mirror in time to turn off the water of the bath, and before getting in- I put on some music.

It was random. I didn't care- just something to excite my brain, keep it busy. It wasn't too loud, but just right.

As I slowly got in the warm, bubbly bath, a sigh of relief escaped my lips.

The contrast between the me just minutes ago.. freezing in the car, and now .. oh, so satisfying.

I let myself rest my head back, then picked up a lollipop I'd placed earlier at the side of the bath.

Yes, we had a jar of them. I'd just bought a bunch recently.

I feel like people underrate them. When you were young, you sucked on lollipops, then you grew up and you greyed your lungs with ciggarettes.

Either way, one of them was more flavorful, and by my standards, very much adult like.

This round, big, cherry lolli.

I chuckled at myself, as I placed it in my mouth before I got my arms and hands completely wet.

I intended on staying here a while tonight. If it were for a quick bath, I would've taken a shower.

But I wanted to stay here.. close my eyes and simply.. linger.

The song that'd been playing, that I'd fail to recognize, changed with another one.

This one I knew, however, it seemed like this was a different version. A slower one.

"Take it or leave it
Baby take it or leave it"

I hummed, and started to actually rub and cleanse my body.

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