37 | Mystery Girl

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Ross' Pov

"We're getting so old" Gema spoke up, walking over to sit next to me by the dinner table that was freshly set up.

"What do you mean?" Nadia looked at her from across the table.

The fact that I already knew all their names might tell you a thing or two about how long dinner took to set up.

And Laura didn't acknowledge me the rest of the time... so fuck, I wanted to leave badly.

I didn't know these people, and there wasn't any effort placed any side to actually get to know them, or them get to know me.

But that was fine- friendship was the last thing I needed, so their efforts would have gone to waste either way.

Back to the person I mainly came for, well- she had Camille's baby in her lap- feeding her a bottle. With gentle hands and a sweet smile, she caressed the baby's head.

It was a side of her I'd never seen. A side I wasn't sure existed outside of that hard working woman I'd gotten to know. I wasn't sure she even liked kids, but it was weirdly calming to see her treat the little thing like her own.

Daisy was cute, and seemed calm in her presence too- seemingly sleepy.

She stopped feeding her after a bit- changing her position on her neck, to stop her from getting too figety with her little hands.

For a minute there- I imagined something I'd never thought of before. A thought that terrified me.

So much, I snapped myself right out of it.

Happiness, fulfillment.

Things I'd never get, and ones I'd decided I was okay with- a long time ago.

The image of her alone was of something that could've been, and it burned right through me. The first time I'd ever.. considered it.

"We prepared a family dinner to celebrate New Year's Eve" Gema raised her eyebrows "I should be at Louie's right now getting kissed by a french guy with the same name"

She was honestly sort of funny when she wasn't actively trying to hit on me.

"We've done this shit yearly" Nicolas spoke up, handing her a glass of wine.

"And there was always an after party" she pointed out "I remember when Laura slept with a male stripper that one year"

My eyebrows raised as I stared at her. She was sitting right across from me- a baby in her arms, looking like the complete opposite of a person that would do that.

Then again, I had no clue of her past. It was something that would have to stay a curious thought for me.

"I did not fucking do that" she sighted, frustrated "Why does no one ever believe me about that??"

"Cus you were totally feeling him" Gema shrugged.

The pure image of her with someone else practically made my blood boil, but I tried to stay cool. I had no control over that.

She would eventually find someone good for her, and what I needed to do after that? Disappear.

"Okay-" Laura shook her head "My mom's right here"

"Oh no- tell me what else I should know about" Ellen raised her eyebrows, looking at her daughter suspiciously.

Laura rolled her eyes, and as Daisy started to move more- she started getting fussy. 

"Ah, I'll take her- she just needs to be burped a little" Camille spoke up, as Laura handed her her daughter.

I was paying more attention to my food at that point. They'd done such an amazing job on several dishes, and knowing I was trying some of Laura's cooking was enough of a benefit for coming to this dinner.

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