09 | Trust

679 62 65

Ross's pov

I knew she would be there.

It was no longer a surprise, that my little co-manager, had a talent for singing, which was why, Louie's, was her spot every night.

That'd be no issue, if the guys hadn't decided on the place. We couldn't hang out just anywhere, and with the owners permission, there was no arguing.

Louie's, was now to be our spot as well.

Obviously, I was pissed about that.

This whole ordeal, would be a fucking mess to keep up with, because it was mixing my two worlds in a terribly close and dangerous way.

I had to be very careful about each and every move I made- like playing a very well thought out game of chess.

Not only was it annoying that I had to see her all day- talk, argue, yell, about each fucking thing, but even when I went out- her voice graced my ears, and she was right in front of me- in her pretty dress and longer hair.

These people truly had no idea who she really was, and it felt weird to know that for myself as well.

Things got even more complicated, if she witnessed something from the stage- with the guys there, anything can slip.

I couldn't speak up and say I knew her either, in order to calm them down, because that would mean introducing her name to them.

And that was fucking scary.

I hated most people, yes- Marano wasn't too far off the list, but I'd have to be fucking mental to put her in that much danger.

Plus, she was an interesting character to be around, for sure. The arguments weren't my favourite part of the day, but at least it made the day a bit more interesting.

And I had to admit, her little talk-backs never ceased to amaze me. I hated it as much as I fucking liked it, I was realizing.

That being said, I was also aware of my place.

And tonight.. well, it was sitting on this chair once again, staring at the stage, watching her sing her little old music, in another pretty slip dress.

I wasn't sure if she knew I was back- she hadn't lifted her eyes, seeming very concentrated on her song.

The songs were meant to be enjoyed as lovely background music to chatter, but I'd noticed, a lot of the men- especially the ones in the front, had their whole attention on her only.

Every time she sung, people wanted to listen. It was silent.

There was some there alone- they had not one thing to do, but listen to her voice. The front few tables seemed to be highly amazed- which, could be interpreted both ways.

Perhaps it was a good thing, if they were into her music.

Perhaps it was slightly worrying, if they were just obsessed with her.

Either way, I was struggling to tune her out as well. You'd think sitting at a table with six people, would pretty much guarantee that.

The issue was, I couldn't give a single shit about any of them. I didn't care- I never would.

So.. I'd tune out their conversation instead, and listen to her.

It probably wasn't the greatest of ideas. It was honestly a bit shocking how we would have all this angry tension in the office, but once I was here... I could listen to her voice and not feel spiteful.

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