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Gema's Pov

I'd woken up to a text from someone I never expected today.

Ross Lynch.

Well, I wasn't really sleeping- more like taking a nap.

But, it was a surprising thing to wake up to either way.

"Hello. Sorry for not contacting you for a long time coming. Are you free two hours or so from now? I'd like to discuss about our date. Laura advised me to reach out, but I would understand if you didn't want to see me. Hope you're doing well."

My heartbeat quickened at every word- it was just wild, but I guess, I had my answer.


She was behind why he wanted to contact me. He actually listened to her.

I really wondered to myself, how close they were exactly- because I sure as hell knew it was not all just business. I couldn't see it that way no matter how much I tried.

There was a connection there I had yet to witness.

Well I guess, I kind of saw it once.. at our dinner, where he showed up out of nowhere and called her to him.

That simple touch on the jaw made my blood boil. It was so casual, so I wasn't sure why it looked so intimate.

I wasn't mad because he was mine. It was because.. well, I wanted him to be, but his eyes lit up at the sight of her.

It was sucky. It was sad.

And I'd mourned that loss for a while- even got under some people just so I could remind myself that yes, I was loveable.

Except those one night stands didn't make me feel loved. Sure, I was wanted, or rather, my body was- and maybe that was the issue.

I wanted to be loved for more than my body for once.

Either way- I was on the road to forgetting about him, so what is it with men and coming back whenever you try to move on? It's like they can sense it.


I didn't want to reply to him, really, but I wanted to see him again- even if it was just to simply say bye.

So, I got out of bed quickly, and washed my face a couple of times, before coming out of my room.

I saw Nadia got home from work- so I hurried over to her, turning my screen so she could read the text.

"What?" she questioned "What's so urgent?"

"Read!" I hissed.

"Keep your hand steady then" she reached out to grab my hand with hers, and I waited for a minute while she read the text.

Once she did, she looked at me, and I put my phone down.

"Laura advised him?" she questioned, and I shrugged.

"She loves you Gema" she pointed at me "This is proof of it"

"I know that. I love her too" I shrugged lightly "But yeah, perhaps Camille was right. I was a bit... jealous- maybe I still am"

"Well at least you can admit it now" she chuckled, shrugging as she walked away.

I followed her to the couch, and we both sat down.

"Are you going to see him?" she questioned.

"I should" I nodded, pressing my lips "What's the harm in it, right?"

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