34 | Exposed Secrets

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Laura's Pov:

This place is nice.

I couldn't help but note in my mind, as Ross locked the door behind me.

He sighted, walking past me and falling down the couch.

I looked around- it was in one of the most expensive buildings in New York. Everything was clean swept like I'd been cleaned a minute ago. Marble floors, dark curtains, huge windows- the large kitchen.

He was surely living well.

Well, money wise.

Even though the place was so stunning- it gave me more of a hotel feel. It didn't look lived in. There was no personal decor or anything of the sort.

Then again, I didn't take him for someone that would care about that sort of thing.

After the quick glance of the place, I walked over to him- pulling out of the bag the things we'd bought on the way- a mini medical emergency kit.

And yes, stopping at the pharmacy was another thing I had to convince him of, considering he had nothing in this place.

Everything, and yet nothing.

I placed the kit next to him, and dragged the ottoman in front of his feet, so I could sit down.

Dipping cotton in a bit of water to clean up the now half dried blood from his cheeks, chin, lips, down to his neck and shoulders, I then used a clean wipe to make sure I hadn't missed a spot.

I moved onto the disinfectant for the wounds, and placed it on the side of his eyebrow first- making him hiss immediately.

"I could've just washed my face" he glared "Fuck"

"So you're taking punches every day but this is what hurts?" I rolled my eyes.

He let out a deep sigh at that, and stayed silent. His

My face softened, as I cleaned him up. He didn't say a word. Just stared into my eyes. I couldn't look at his.

Once I put everything down and figured I'd done a good enough job, I still didn't want to move.

I was tired. A bit scared, and honestly.. worried for him.

So I sat there on top of the ottoman, in front of him, as he stared at me.

I felt sort of.. lost.

"You okay?" he narrowed his eyebrows.

I looked down, licking my lips, before remembering his shirt was bloody.

"You should take your shirt off" I whispered "I'll get you another one"

"Stay" he placed a hand on my shoulder.

I saw him unbutton his shirt, before throwing it on the floor "And that's the fucking problem"

"Hm?" I tilted my head to the side.

"I want you to stay" he sighted, rubbing his face with his hands, then running his hand through his hair- messing it up "I've been careless, and now.. I've put you in danger"

"Will they hurt me?" my voice no louder than a mouse. I couldn't even process this fast enough... would I be able to leave the house feeling safe ever again?

Well, as a woman in New York, I've never felt that safe... but, now..

He put his arms down, then shook his head- cupping my face.

Kissing the tip of my nose, he spoke up "Not for as long as I'm alive"

The gesture made me smile slightly, but that smile quickly fell at the reminder of the whole night.

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