Chapter five

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Alicia's pov

So the thing I planned last week did not go good. I understand that they don't see the Jaymir I see.. I'm not going to force them to though because if I were them I wouldn't want to.

Jaymir:Bae I need to borrow $100 check was already short cause I haven't been working as much..

Jaymir:I'll try to have it back to you next week

Me:So what am I going to do about what I need and what Aiden need?

Jaymir: I'll get it

Me:... it's in my purse

I have such a hard time saying no.. because the last time I told him no I ended up in the hospital.

Me:Um can I go back to work?

Jaymir: Why would I let you go back to work? So Larry can keep trying to take you away from me?

Me: Jay he has a girlfriend all he does is try to make sure Lizzie and I are ok

Jaymir:Ok for what?! I'm the only one that needs to do that!

Me: Well you don't!

He pushed me into the wall.

Jaymir: Don't you ever raise your voice at me again! You're not working and that's final.

He walked out, slamming the door behind him. I can't.. I went upstairs got a bag and packed a few things, went to Aiden's room and packed some stuff for him. Grabbed my phone and called Lizzie.

Phone convo


Lizzie: Alicia what's wrong?

Me: Can.. Can Aiden and I come to your house?

Lizzie: Of course what's going on?

Me: I'm leaving...I'm leaving Jaymir

Lizzie:I-I'll come get you

Me: No he left the keys to my car so I'll be on my way

I hung the phone up, got Aiden and headed to Lizzie. I got to her house and as soon as I pulled up she came and helped me with the bags. When done, I laid Aiden down so he can go back to sleep and I sat on the couch.

Lizzie: Alicia...

Me:Please don't tell Larry

Lizzie: What why?

Me:I just... I don't want anyone in my business right now

Lizzie: Alicia.. You've gotten away please don't tell me you're going back to him

Me: Lizzie I just...I don't know.. I just needed a break

Once again she has the look of disappointment.

Lizzie: There's plenty of food in the fridge...I'm going to work.. see you later

She left and I'm just confused... I want my family so bad. I want Aiden to have his father around but I don't want to keep getting treated like this.

Next day

Sitting here watching a movie with lizzie and Aiden, when someone starts banging on the door.


Me:I'll get it girl

Lizzie's pov

I hate when people come to my door without calling or texting first.

Alicia: I'll get it girl

She walked up front.

Aiden:Lizzie I need a napkin

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