Chapter 26

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Larry's pov

It's been a week since baby girl came home. It's harder than I expected but we're making it. Alicia has been down the last two days.. it's 3am and she's been tossing and turning all night. I'm up because I had to pee and I seen Ariyah was woke. My baby is so beautiful man.. as I'm looking at her I hear Alicia start talking.

Me: What you say babe?

Alicia: Larry.. no please no

Wait.. What did I do? I was so confused so turned around and noticed her eyes were closed, meaning she's still could she possibly be having a nightmare?. I walked over to her and touched her shoulder.

Me: Baby

Alicia: No stop.... I'm sorry

Me: Baby wake up

I shook her a little bit, she started making more noise then jumped up. She looked at me and started crying. I got in the bed and held her.

Me:Shh calm down.. calm down


Me: No Baby calm down for me ok.. Just breathe .

She just cried and cried as I held her.

7 am

Alicia eventually went back to sleep, Ariyah started crying so she tried to get back up but I told her to stay in bed and go back to sleep.. After I changed Ariyah, we went in Aiden's room to wake him up.

Me: Aiden get up buddy

Aiden: More time please

Me:You have to get ready for school

He stood up and rubbed his eyes.

Me: Come on

I picked him up, so he's on my right hip and Ariyah is in my left arm. He laid his head on my shoulder.

Me:You want cereal or oatmeal ?

Aiden:Hmm oatmeal

We walked into the kitchen and I put him down so he can go sit at his table. While his oatmeal is in the microwave I fed Ariyah.

Aiden: Dad can I watch tv while I eat?

Me: Yeah the remotes in the cabinet under the tv

The microwave stopped.

Me: Oh aiden go get your medicine out the bathroom.. And get your school clothes out while you're down there


I'm still learning how much medicine he has to take and how many times throughout the day he has to take it. As he went in the room Alicia came into the kitchen.

Me: GoodMorning love

Alicia: Larry why didn't you wake me?

Me: You needed the rest

Aiden came and gave me his medicine kit.

Alicia:I got it...

She was acting a little weird.

Me:His oatmeal is in the microwave it got done before you came in

Alicia:Ok, aiden do you have your school clothes ready?


She looked at me.

Me: We're all multitasking

I smiled and she did a small smile back...Aiden ate then went and got ready. He came back out and I gave Ariyah to Alicia.

Me: I'll be back baby girl and my love

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