Chapter 17

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Five days later

Alicia's pov

Aiden goes to Jaymir tomorrow... I have not been able to sleep.. I've been stressing.. crying. Larry has been doing everything to help get my mind off of it but.. as soon as I'm alone that's all I think about. I'm so dumb like I should've thought about all of this..I should've been filed for full custody.. I could've filed a restraining order.... What the fuck is wrong with me? Aiden came in the living room and sat next to me.

Me: Hey buddy.. mommy needs to talk to you

I grabbed his hand. have to go with daddy

Aiden:No Mommy

Me: Listen baby

I started crying..

Me: It's only for a week.. every other week ok..

Aiden:I don't wanna go to daddy

He started crying and that just hurt me. I pulled him into my lap and held him... I am going to fight this I swear I am..

Next day

Larry and Aiden are sleep, I'm just looking at them... I'm not ready for my baby to go. Of course I am crying right now because this hurts. I sat up then Larry woke up and looked at me.

Larry: Babe..

I wiped my face, he got up and sat next to me.

Larry:I can't say that I know how you're feeling but I know this is hard for you..

I leaned my head on his shoulder.. sat in that position for a little while then I needed to get up.

Me:I have to get his bags ready..

Larry: I'll come help

We walked into his room and started getting his clothes and shoes ready.

Me:Oh I have to get his medicine bag

Larry: Go ahead I'll finish with these

I went into the kitchen and started getting all of the important things. I know I told you guys Aiden had asthma but he also has type 1 diabetes. So I have to make sure he takes enough insulin, his inhaler and breathing machine. God please let Jaymir do right and give my baby his medicine and take care of him... Aiden came into the kitchen.

Aiden: Mommy what you doing?

Me: Oh you're up baby

Aiden: Where's big Larry?

Me: He's in your room..

Aiden: I'm going to school today

Me:No baby... you go back tomorrow.. you're going with your dad today.

Aiden: No I wanna stay with you and big Larry

Me:I know baby... I want you to stay but.. you have to go with your dad

He threw a fit again... I held him to calm him down. My phone started ringing and it's lizzie.

Me: Larry!

He came into the kitchen.

Larry: Yes

Me: Can you get Aiden for me?

Larry: Yeah...come here buddy

He picked him up and Aiden laid his head on Larry's shoulder. I answered Lizzie's call.

Phone convo

Me: Hey lizzie

Lizzie: Hey girl.. you told Jaymir to meet you at the restaurant, cause he's here.

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