Chapter 19

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One week later

Alicia's pov

First trimester for this pregnancy has been horrible.. I've been so sick...can barely eat because everything I eat I throw it back up. Well I can't say it's all horrible, Larry has been so helpful and I didn't have that while I was pregnant with Aiden. Him and Aiden are actually at the park right now... I wanted to go but I just was not feeling good. Even though I'm not feeling well I'm still going to cook for Larry and Aiden because I need to move around and do a little something...I talked to the lawyer and we set up a court date for the end of the month. I have little evidence from all the abuse and everything he has done to aiden and I...sadly everything else is in the other phone that he broke. Hopefully this is enough though... earlier I called lizzie for her to come over, I have yet to tell her about what has happened....Life has just been so crazy for me and I'm praying that everything comes together and I am finally able to not be scared everytime I go somewhere....

15 minutes later

Lizzie just got here and might I say lizzie has been looking so happy lately.. I know it's laurent and I'm happy for the both of them.

Lizzie:Oouu girl can I please have some of these grits, I love your grits

Me: Yeah girl help yourself


She fixed her a plate, sat down and I went to sit with her.

Lizzie: Girl I haven't talked to you in what? Two weeks?

Me:Yes but it's ok you and your boo was out of town.. how was it?

Lizzie:It was amazing.. we went to Jamaica and Alicia you and Larry have to go. Everything was so beautiful

Me: I'm glad you enjoyed yourself

Lizzie: Laurent already talking about going back and trust me I haven't said no.

Me: You're so crazy girl...but it's good you're living your life

Lizzie: Right I'm just ready for you to be right along with me

She smiled at me.

Lizzie: How have you been though, how's Aiden?

I took a small deep breath..

Lizzie:Oh no what's wrong?

Just thinking about it again is making me cry... she came next to me and gave me a hug.

Lizzie:What's going on Alicia?

Me:... aiden was in the hospital..

Lizzie:Again? What happened?

Me:Jaymir wasn't giving him the correct amount of medicine he needed...and he hurt him


Me:My baby has a big ass bruise on his side

Lizzie:Oh my god..that fucking bastard

Me:...Larry did some stuff and got me a good lawyer so at the end of the month I'm taking him back to court so I can try to get full custody of him.

While I'm talking to her larry and Aiden walked in, I quickly wipe my face.

Larry:Ooo smells good in here

He walked over and looked at me.

Larry:What's wrong? Something happen??

Me: No no... I was just telling lizzie about the situation with Aiden

He let out a deep breath.

Larry:You had me worried

I smiled at him.

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