Chapter 10: Co-Captain

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Hayley's POV

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Hayley's POV

"So Peter's the alpha," Elijah says as I walk and sit beside Hope 

The pack was here to talk about what was going on and it worried us all a lot.

"Yeah, it's just I don't understand why Derek is working with him now," I say as Hope leans into me and I hold her close to me. 

"Maybe Peter knew who caused the fire of the Hale house and then told Derek or showed Derek and Derek made it that he has to help him," Stefan says sitting beside Klaus. 

"It could be but who has the most gain in the harming the Hale family," Kol says sitting beside Bonnie 

"The Argents but not Chris and I I know for sure not Victoria," I say 

"That only leaves Kate," Hope says 

"Did they have some sort of relationship together," Marcel asks 

"I hope not that would just be disgusting," I say pretending to vomit which makes everyone chuckle.

Technically I'm not wrong, Kate was only a few years younger then me and if she dated Derek for her own personal game, it wasn't good and she was definitely going to find some way to get back at us, Derek and everyone else, maybe even her own brother or even her own nieces  

The next day, I arrived at school to see Chris with Jackson. I needed to talk to him and to make sure he and Allison stayed safe. I took out my phone and went to Chris's contacts sending him a message that we needed to talk before class along with a picture with Jackson. I watched Chris look around and then lock eyes with me before nodding. I started to head inside the building but stopped when I saw Scott role up as well in his car and nod at Chris. Scott didn't really trust Chris still because he's a hunter and an Argent but because of Allison, Hope and I, Scott was slowly starting to trust him if not a lot. 

I headed inside and to my classroom. 

"Hey" a voice says and I look up to see Chris

"Hey, come in and close the door," I say as I get up and close the blinds. 

"So what's up," Chris asks 

"You and Allison, are you both safe," I ask which surprised him a little

"We are why," he asks 

"Okay I I just needed to know," I say gulping and looking away from his view

"Hey what's wrong," he asks as he walks in front of me and lifts my chin up 

"I know who killed Laura," I say quietly with tears 

"What," he says 

"Peter....he he's the alpha," I say as I hug him and he hugs me

"Oh god Hayley," he says while playing with my hair

"He killed my niece, he killed his own niece and I don't know why," I say sadly 

"Hey it's okay, we'll figure this out okay," he says kissing my forehead as I nod 

"Be be careful please he's after someone or something please you and Alison." I ask quietly 

"We will you better be careful too," he says and I nod as he gives me one last smile before leaving. 

I sighed before going back to my desk. Why Laura, what are you going after Peter? 

After school, I headed home and saw Elijah sleeping around in the leaving room. What freaked me out more was when I saw him holding the picture of me and Melissa in his arms. 

"Elijah," I say quietly shaking him not sure whether he was up or not 

"What Hmm yeah," he says waking up

"Why aren't in bed and why are holding a picture of me and Melissa," I ask sitting beside him

"I...I" he starts to say before looking at the picture and groaning "god" 

I gasped realizing what it was, he liked Melissa.

"You like Melissa don't you," I ask 

"Yea yeah I do," he says 

"Then go tell her," I say trying to pull him up but he doesn't budge 

"Your brother took her out on a date," he grumbles and says which shocks me

"What," I say 

"Your. Brother. Took. Her. On. A . Date," he says before getting up and heading to his room. 

I sat on the couch in shock, what the hell was Peter up too and why was he going after Melissa. I groaned my self before heading up and heading to my room where I feel asleep for the night 

{A.N: This Part Was Short Because I Wasn't Sure How To Include Hayley & The Others Into The Story Line Along With Keeping It As Original As I Can While Changing It Up. Hoping To Finish Season 1 Of Teen Wolf Today & Start Season 2}

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