enfin à la maison (c. sturniolo)

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summary: in which they meet again after their fateful summer romance has come to an end, this time chris is determined to stay with her.

warnings: swearing and angst.

author's note: title loosely translates to finally home in english from french.

author's note pt 2: second part of été cruel.

.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.

months later during the halloween craze of the second to last week of october, y/n had rounded the corner of the perpetually wet concrete of the downtown boston sidewalk, the busy hustle and bustle of people blurring by the girl that admired the cool air, festive decorations and the warm drink that she held in her hands. she was so lost in her childishly innocent admiration of the ever so celebrated holiday that she had narrowly missed walking into the chest of someone. looking up to apologize, she was met with the same cerulean eyes she was still in love with, the same bashful grin she met many months ago, the same unruly hair and cheeks dusted with permanent blush in the cold air.


"y/n, hi."

y/n felt her heart that was once light as a feather, suddenly fill with mixed emotions and fall to the pit of her stomach. sure, she still loved chris but she was hurt. the brief summer romance has spiralled out of control, becoming something so much more than they expected. than they wanted. than they needed. she had seen the warning signs and ran straight toward them, knowing it was gonna leave her nearly the shell of who she was when she landed in los angeles.

the gears in her mind came to a sputtering halt, her rapid influx of emotions acting as the ear piercing, high pitched whine that often accompanied halting gears. she met his gaze once again, the warm smile on his face hitting her like a tonne of bricks, the grief of his absence over the course of the last few months settled deep within her chest. she ignored her feelings from august onward, she couldn't bear to face them. facing them meant chris was gone for good and out of her life, happily living his as she was stuck in an endless loop of missing him.

"i have to go." she spoke, her words hesitant but rushed as she maneuvered her way around him, trying so hard not to give into the touch of his palm resting on her bicep in a pitiful attempt to stop her, just for a moment. not only was her mind buzzing as she had him within his grasp again, but so was her body. she needed to get away from him. with one last look, she pulled away from chris' touch, carrying on her walk home.

as she stepped in the suffocatingly warm embrace of her apartment, she breathed out a sharp sigh she hadn't been aware she was withholding. many futile attempts later, she shake the blue eyed boy from her mind. she hasn't expected him home, and nevertheless expected to see him again. she was tired and her body ached from the cold, late october air that had settled deep in her muscles hours ago.

a week had passed and the girl hadn't been able to go about her day without the boy's lingering memory creeping in her mind every single fucking second. she was fed up, she couldn't fathom going through another second of wanting him back, of needing him back, of missing him.

she had promised her sister when she left los angeles that she wouldn't allow herself to succumb to her feelings, that she wouldn't wallow like had been for the last week. she promised she wasn't going to let her emotions override her thoughts. but she had failed, miserably. a mere sighting of the boy on social media had y/n crawling back beneath her covers, her phone laid askew on the counter far away from her as she sunk into what felt like raw and utter heartbreak.

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