s'il vous plaît laissez-moi entrer (c. sturniolo)

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summary: in which chris notices his girlfriend growing distant as her guard grows tall again, terrified of losing her, he snaps and lets her know what he's feeling.

warnings: swearing, fear of letting people get close, angst, verbal arguing

author's note: title loosely translates to please just let me in in french.

prompts: got these from tumblr prompt lists

"can we just talk, please?"

"why can't you just let someone care about you?"

"just focus on me, okay? don't think about anything else, just stay here with me."

.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.


chris, his brothers, and y/n all grew up very differently. the triplets grew up knowing that they had someone to turn to whenever they needed it, no matter the time. y/n grew up feeling like she had to put on a mask around her family.

while she grew up loved unconditionally, she also felt very isolated from her family in her darkest times. her parents never talked about their mental issues until it was dire, other than that they put on happy faces for everyone around them. a very picturesque family that loved living in their pretend land of perfection.

chris grew up knowing that he and his brothers never had to be afraid to tell their parents and each other that something was too much for them some days, that they were allowed to take a day for themselves.

so when chris and y/n met and inevitably fell in love, they had different approaches to their relationship problems, y/n would apologize profusely and shut down any chance there was to discuss their problems in any manner. chris on the other hand, would beg for her to let her walls down for a moment, just so he could figure out to help her.

the relationship wasn't easy for them, it had become a learning curve for the two young adults, but they didn't wanna give up.


chris sighed again for what felt like the millionth time, checking his phone every five minutes, hoping to see a text from his girlfriend, agreeing to the date he was trying to plan tonight. groaning upon seeing no new notification from y/n, he got up and walked into matt's room, telling him about his dilemma.

the loud ping caught chris' attention as he paced along matt's room, quickly returning to the spot where his phone sat, his heart cracking ever so slightly as he read the text.

Today 5:40 PM

i'm sorry chris but not tonight
i'm not really in the mood to go out
plus i have to finish my essay

Are you free tmrw?
i miss you y/n
read 5:43 PM

chris felt his heart break just a bit more as the minutes flew by, a reply to his last message never coming. he felt like he was losing her and he didn't know what to do. his mind swirled with the possibilities of what could be causing her to distance herself.

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