es-tu vraiment à moi? (c. sturniolo)

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summary: in which chris and y/n attend a party after chris' team won their game, however y/n is left unsure what she really means to chris.

au category: collage age hockey player!chris

warnings: swearing, MENTIONS OF INJURIES, oblivious!chris, relationship anxiety, chris' ex teammate is a douchebag, cliffhanger.

author's note: title loosely translates to are you really mine? in french.

request: yes the prompt was requested by @-LASANTA

.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.


it wasn't often that chris went out of his way to attend the many after parties that follow the team's celebratory dinners for longer than an hour, two tops. he'd stop by, play a few rounds of beer pong and then leave. the parties weren't his scene, but lately, he'd been making more and more appearances at them, staying longer, and getting drunk at a few of them.

y/n was often found beside chris, laughing at his teammates, talking to reagan, matt's girlfriend, or even talking to another girl that attended with one of the teammates. chris almost always had her by his side, proudly boasting about how supportive she was.

but recently, they'd attend together and after about an hour, he'd disappear, leaving her alone, which she hadn't minded because she was friends with majority of the people. but it wasn't until a recent party, that she had found herself questioning of chris was faithful to her or if he enjoyed having her around.


y/n sighed as trenton calloway, the caption of massachusetts minutemen approached her. he and chris were mutually civil with one another, despite the occasional argument here and there.

y/n didn't like trenton for a number of reasons, he was cocky and overly arrogant, he loved to pick fights with chris on the ice and y/n has a history with trenton. the two of them had gotten together on a few occasions leading to a tumultuous "what are they exactly?" relationship the year prior to her getting with chris.

chris and trenton attended the boston hockey academy together, they were friends until trenton was the cause for chris' horrible injury during their first year in university hockey.

"what do you want trent?" y/n mumbled, downing the rest of the soda in her cup as he laughed slightly.

"what? i can't say hi to an old friend?" trent laughed again, standing opposite to the girl who was leaning against the wall, observing the partygoers over the rim of her cup.

"you know damn well we're not friends trent, we're not even acquaintances, so let me ask again, what do you want?"

"damn, still as cold as ever."

"okay if you're not going to get to your point, which really won't matter to me anyway, i'm going to leave. i know you're only talking to me to start shit with chris."

"okay i'm sorry, i can't help but bug you, it's too easy. and i actually came here to talk to you about your little boyfriend."

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