c'est bon, je suis là (m. sturniolo)

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summary: in which matt is deeply saddened by the fact that y/n cant make it to his first game back since his injury, however she's got some tricks up her sleeve.

au category: collage age lacross player!matt

warnings: swearing, anxiety, self doubt.

author's note: title loosely translates to it's okay, i'm here in french.

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feeling anxious was second nature to matt. but he found a way to combat his anxiety and it was playing sports. throughout his high schoolers career, he played many different sports, however the one sport he found to really calm him was lacrosse. he could be playing the biggest match of his career and he was as calm and collected as possible. there was just something so incredibly anchoring about being on the field that helped him learn to take a deep breath, compartmentalize his feelings, and focus.

then you came along. halfway into his sophomore year, you walked up to him as he practiced his shots during a free period, telling him he needed to get off the field because the girl's varsity soccer team had rescheduled their practice for that time slot. he laughed as he nervously apologized and went about his day. later that night, was the first time he was ever distracted during a game. and it was an important game too. it was the game that decided whether or not his team went to finals.

but no matter how hard he tried, no matter how loud his teammates yelled at him, he couldn't stop himself from spotting you in the crowd, excitedly yelling as his team played. the very second the game ended, matt was running toward you as you walked toward the exit, pulling you back and asking if you wanted to hang out, bashfully smiling as you smirked, reminding him that he didn't even know your name yet. but he didn't care, he just wanted you in his life.

it didn't take long for matt to need you at his games, a constant reminder that no matter the outcome of his games or no matter how he played, you were there to reassure him. he had grown attached to you within mere minutes of getting to know you. so when you couldn't be at a game, his nerves got the best of him.

you were the same as matt, growing attached to him quite fast. you had learned to love him more ways than one. the two of you always had a rather flirty bond, leaning more toward physical affection, unspoken communication and lingering touches.

from the day you met, the two of you were inseparable, constantly confusing people on what the stance of your relationship truly was. you two were the epitome of "will they? won't they?", as much as you loved to keep people guessing, you found yourself growing sad as you couldn't figure it out. but you let your feeling subside as you two conquered high school, not wanting to lose the very person you considered your best friend.


your phone pinged again as you shut your textbook, making you groan as you flicked through the many notifications, the only one catching your eye being matt's, asking to facetime while he ate. smiling to yourself, you opened the conversation reacting to the message with a thumbs up before pressing the facetime button, propping your phone up as unmistakable giddiness filled your chest.

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