es-tu vraiment à moi? 002 (c. sturniolo)

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summary: in which y/n gives chris a month to figure out  and prove if their relationship is important to him, however it turns into a buzzer beater as chris struggles to sort his thoughts out.

au category: collage age hockey player!chris

warnings: swearing, MENTIONS OF INJURIES, MENTIONS OF PAINKILLERS, relationship anxiety.

author's note: title loosely translates to are you really mine? in french.

request: yes the prompt was requested by @-LASANTA

.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.



"so what happens now?"

"i don't know chris, i love you, i really do but if you're going to be acting like you don't have a girlfriend then i don't want to be part of this relationship."

"y/n, please don't do this. i cant lose you, not over something stupid like this."

"the way you're makes me feel like you don't respect our relationship, like you don't respect me or my feelings."

"but i do, baby, i do."

"then why can't you show it?"

y/n looked at chris as they stood in the hallway, the party continuing on, the tension surrounding the couple drowning the noise out until it became a slow thrum of distant music.

"i don't know." chris breathed out, his shoulders deflating as he looked at y/n, his heart hammering against his chest as hers shattered in her chest.

"alright. until you can figure out what you want, we're done chris. i'm not going to wait around forever, you have a month." y/n spoke, her voice wavering as she looked at him, an unmistakable look of hurt tugging at her features as she pushed past him. chris leaned against the wall, his eyes stinging with unreleased tears as he dialled nick's number.


you had given chris a month. you knew what you wanted and you wanted him to figure out exactly what it is that he wants. that was almost four weeks ago.

you sighed as you leaned against the counter of the half wall right in front of the rink's home bench. you had decided to oversee the bantam AA 15 and under hockey team's practice, watching as the kids skated across the ice, practicing their slap shots and breakaway techniques.

"alright everyone, practice is over, go change please!" the head coach called out, praising the kids for the work they put into their practice today. you followed coach stevens, congratulating them as well.

"hey stevens do you mind if i use the rink for a bit, i need to get my mind off some shit, i'll make sure to lock up when i leave."

"yeah i don't mind! you know where the light switches are right?"

"yeah i do, thanks again stevens."

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