fermeture 002 (c. sturniolo) (m. sturniolo)

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summary: in which you and matt have your first full length conversation since the breakup, causing yet another fight and leaving chris to pick up the pieces again.

warnings: swearing, matt's a total douchebag, mentions of cheating, not a poly fic so don't take assume that bc of both chris and matt's names being in the title.

author's note: title loosely translates to closure in english from french.

author's note pt 2: this is not at all an accurate depiction of matt's personality nor his morals. this is 100% fiction.

.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.

reader's pov


"doesn't excuse what i did, y/n. i should've been there for you in the last couple months. i should've reached out."

"eh, it's in the past now. for the record, i tried to stop the class from blaming you for stealing the field trip money. i told the teacher it was christian brown but someone was eavesdropping and only heard the "chris-" leave my mouth so they ran with it. but i couldn't control an entire third grade class as a third grader myself." i laughed, remembering when i thought dealing with dumb classmates was my biggest problem.

"could we maybe try and start over? i liked not fighting with you every day when you and i finally talked our shit out. i miss you and i wanna be friends again." he hummed, a soft smile etching across his face as i returned it.

"i'd like that, chris."

flashback over

since that day, chris and i have remained close, we've spent pretty much every day over the last five months together. at first, avoiding matt wasn't easy. everywhere i'd turn, he'd be there. gazing imploringly, silently begging me to hear him out. at first, i'd tell to not bother, that i didn't care what he had to say and that no apology could make up for it, then it'd escalate into an argument about me not being fully honest with myself or anyone else. he'd make comments about how he knew where my feelings really laid.

then it turned into me scoffing and walking away, not bothering to stick around and listen to whatever pitiful excuse he scrounged up that time. but eventually, matt got the hint that i needed space and gave up trying to make me listen. and then once he started respecting that i wasn't ready to hear why he did it, we were able to fall into some sort of civil routine. we were nowhere near friends or even acquaintances but we didn't fight as severely anymore.

sure we'd get in small, petty spats over stupid shit before quickly removing ourselves from the room but we were able to make up quickly. to the point where i could sit and film videos with the triplets again without there being any awkward tension.

it had just hit about eleven in the morning as i walked down the stairs from chris' room, deciding to start my day later than normal. walking into the kitchen, i was met with an overly energetic nick and a tired, grumpy matt both sitting at the counter. i quickly made myself an iced coffee from the coffee i had brewed and left in the fridge overnight before turning to nick, who excitedly chattered away about his plans for the day.

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