effet papillon (c. sturniolo)

834 26 6

summary: in which two people slowly blur the lines between being best friends and something more.

warnings: swearing, sort of heated make out session, touchy!chris (not nsfw) and chris just being a little shit.

author's note pt 2: title loosely translates to butterfly effect in english from french.

.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.


y/n was rarely ever nervous. she was calm, collected, and steady. nothing ever swayed the girl. she could stand in a room full of a thousand people, give or take, and command their attention with a firm but kind voice, no shaking and trembling to be heard or seen.

she could handle tests and assignments throughout college with ease, not once doubting her capabilities to do the work. she had faith in herself, and she was proud of it.

but when it came to her best friend, christopher sturniolo, her unwavering faith and confidence seemed to falter. her once strong cadence devolved into a shaky voice, her tripping over her words, and everything he did seemed to stir up a warm and fuzzy but uneasy feeling in her chest.

chris wasn't oblivious to the effect he had on her, he found amusement in watching her stumble over her words. and he found it unbelievably adorable when her face would flush bright pink after he'd throw a few pointed yet flirtatious comments followed by his all too familiar charming, cheshire cat grin in her direction.

his favourite to do though, was whenever he'd hug her, he'd speak low and soft right above her ear, and watch as the goosebumps rose across her skin. there was no doubt that everything he made her feel was mutual, he just wanted to tease her a bit, watch as she grew bashful under his gaze.

their feelings for one another were quite clear, but they had always been careful of the line they tiptoed. the line between friends testing the waters of what was and what wasn't normal. the line had never blurred and they had made sure to never cross it,

until the night it blurred a little too much for them and they found themselves sitting on the side opposite of what they had grown comfortable with, however neither made much effort to cross back over.


y/n makes her way through the foyer of the triplets' los angeles home, digging through her bag for her phone, wondering where the fuck she put it in the two minutes it took for her to exit her car and enter the house. with her nose practically in her purse, she was completely unaware of her surroundings, specifically the stray chair she would've collided with if chris hadn't made himself a human barrier.

with a softly resounding "oof" she walks straight into chris' chest, finally looking up at the sound of his laugh.

"you gotta watch where you're going, can't have you tripping and marking up that pretty face." chris chuckles, his smirk growing at the sigh of her face glowing red.

"hng- shut up! call my phone for me, please?" she grunts, watching as chris taps on his screen, her phone soon vibrating in her back pocket of her jeans, making her facepalm with her left hand as she plucks her phone from her pocket with her right. pressing the red button, she smiles up at chris.

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