petites histoires aléatoires (c. sturniolo)

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summary: just a collection of short blurbs that i wasn't able to turn into full oneshots.

warnings: swearing, tooth rotting fluff, and angst if you squint.

author's note: title loosely translates to random little stories in english from french.

credit for the small blurb idea: sturniol0

.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.



you giggled as chris frustratedly pushed his hair out of his face for the billionth time in the last hour. he and his brothers felt they were long overdue for a haircut, however they wanted to wait til they were back in boston to do so.

"god i wanna, no i fucking need to cut my hair. i can barely see!" chris mumbled, watching irritatedly as a stray piece of hair fell in his line of sight again, rolling his eyes as he focused on the gingerbread house he was trying help you build.

"i think it looks good." you shrugged, standing up and walking over to chris, gently pulling his hair back from his face as he refocused on the task at hand.

"maybe i'll keep it this length for a bit longer." chris laughed as he looked up at you, winking slyly before turning back to the gingerbread house.

"will you let me braid it?"



chris smiled as you sat on his bathroom counter, tongue poking out of the corner of your mouth in concentration as you gently spread the face mask across his forehead. one of your many thin hair ties holding back his hair in a makeshift bun, making you laugh slightly as it sat messily atop his head.

"why does it feel so weird?" chris giggled, scrunching his nose as the brush lightly pushed down the bridge of his nose.

"because it's like clay, sort of?" you hummed, carefully spreading the rest of the mask over his face, smiling at him as he watched you, nothing but pure love written all over his face.

"why does it smell so good?"

"because there's apple and other fruit extract and shit in it."

"it smells like your perfume, that's why i like it because it smells like you." chris mumbled, smiling shyly at you as you turned back toward him, pressing a light kiss to his lips before hopping off the counter and washing your face mask brush.

once the face mask was washed off, you gently rubbed moisturizer into chris' skin, watching as his eyes fluttered shut followed by him humming lightly in contentment.

"you are so the youngest child." you teased, twisting the cap back onto your tub of moisturizer after rubbing some into your skin.

"what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" chris exclaimed, feigning hurt as he walked out of his bathroom.

"you totally loved being pampered and spoiled." you retorted, quickly pulling off a hoodie that you borrowed from chris, only to be clad in a pair of shorts and one of chris' t-shirts before climbing into bed.

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