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Kara's POV

I walked to the kitchen, closely followed by Lena. I pretended not to notice anything, but my heart was beating like crazy. I had felt Lena's breath on my neck and it felt like she wanted to kiss me. If only I hadn't gasped loudly! And then when she stood in front of me, I noticed how she stared at my lips as if she wanted to kiss me again. But maybe I was just imagining it all because it would be so nice if it was reality. But I have to take it slow. I don't even know if I like Lena more than a best friend for sure, because I don't want to jeopardize our friendship again.

I made us breakfast while Lena watched thoughtfully. When we sat down and ate, I noticed that Lena's mood had changed and she looked depressed. "Lena? Are you all right?" Lena looked at me sadly. "I understand why you didn't tell me that you are Supergirl for so long. But sometimes I think how everything would be if I knew earlier...if I hadn't found out from Lex." I took Lena's hand and squeezed it gently. , "Hey, I've thought about it a lot too, but since Mxy's visit, I know it was for the best." Lena looked at me questioningly and hurt and took her hand away.

"No Lena, I'm very sorry that you suffered so much because of me and I because of you, but the other realities were much more painful. Unless of course, you would be happy with my death haha", I tried to joke. Rao my sense of humor was again spotless.

"Other realities? Y-you died? Mxy?", Lena asked confused.

"Long story," I replied.

"Okay, we still have three hours until you have to meet Nia for lunch." So Lena wanted to know and maybe it would do us both some good to talk about it. So I took Lena by the hand and led her to the couch to be more comfortable.

"Sooo, where should I start?", I asked her. "It's best to start at the beginning. Who is Mxy?" she asked as her eyebrow went up. RAO how I love it when she does that!

"Mxy is someone from the fifth dimension. He can change reality. He has abilities like magic and he wanted to marry me. But I managed to send him back. But now he understood that you can't force love and that's why he wanted to help me and offered to change reality so that there would never be a fight between us...", I started. , "Oh okay...he wanted to marry you? And how did you try that...so to avoid the quarrel between us?", Lena asked very interestedly.

"Okay um... Mxy took notice of me and just wanted me to be his wife. But that's settled now. You should have seen Mon-el, he was very jealous". I laughed, but Lena didn't think it was so funny. She looked very serious... I wonder why? Was it because I mentioned Mon-el?

I cleared my throat briefly: "So Mxy had a kind of Netflix but of our lives and he scrolled into the past until I said stop. He then snapped his fingers and I was taken back to those moments. After I talked to you, he brought me back here and we looked to see if I liked what happened after that or not. He called it the domino effect. He would have chosen that as reality if it had been good."

"What events from our lives did you try to change and what came out of it...", Lena asked cautiously.

" I ...in the beginning, I didn't want to change anything I even sent Mxy away again. He had given me a tape with a recording of his name backward. But I wanted my best friend back. I wanted you back in my life without you thinking I see you as a villain...", I tried to justify my actions. "The first time I went to the past was before Mercy attacked. Remember our conversation in your office when I brought you Big Belly Burger and we talked about you being cynical? That's when I went back and told you I was Supergirl...you looked at me horrified, but then there was an emergency where they needed Supergirl and when I came back, you were gone. After our meeting I was back in my living room watching the domino effect...you went to Sam and told her I was Supergirl. You were hurt and with tears in your eyes, you told Sam that you didn't know who the real Kara was.... whether it was the one who was mad at you as Supergirl because of the Kryptonite or Kara your best friend who always supported you. You were afraid I would see you as a villain and that you were one...but Sam was there for you and said you were a hero." My voice cracked as I said, "That's why I told Mxy that maybe this was a good reality...you would never forgive me but at least you had Sam to be a better friend than me." Tears came to my eyes and I saw that it was the same with Lena. "Then the air got infected by Kryptonite and I died because you weren't in town to save me..." I ended.

Lena looked at me in shock and squeezed my hand. I hold her hand and started drawing circles on it to distract myself a bit.

"On the second try, you were pretty mad at me too and I talked to Mon-el. He explained to me that I wasn't like everyone else who betrayed you, because while your family betrayed you to have advantages, I only hid the truth from you to protect you. But then when we had to fight Reign you showed up to help us. I was really happy when you came to me and said with joy that you had found something without Kryptonite, but then you died in my arms and Mon-el and Reign died too. With her also Sam... it was cruel to see you all die..." I had single tears rolling down my cheeks.

Lena wiped them away with her thumbs and hugged me. "I'm sorry you had to experience all that," she whispered in my ear. I got goosebumps all over my body and I loved this closeness between us. But, before I could press her closer to me, she let go of me again. I immediately felt it getting colder and missed her warmth.

Lena sat sideways facing me on the couch and her knees touched my leg. She moved a little closer and started playing with my hair. She took a few strands and wrapped them around her fingers and developed them again. It looked like she was slightly nervous. "Kara, it's okay. You don't have to continue if you don't want to. I don't want to see you suffer anymore". She looked at me worriedly with those beautiful green eyes.

I smiled slightly. "No no... I want to tell you. When I came back to Mxy, I decided that if I had revealed my identity to you from the beginning, all this would not have happened. That's why Mxy sent me to the moment when I gave you the USB stick and invited you to our game night. At that time you had declined it, remember?" Lena nodded, "Yes I remember it well. I didn't want to make friends because I didn't trust anyone and wouldn't let anyone near me. However, you made it with your good heart." I grinned broadly and continued. "When I was back in that moment and you explained to me that we were just partners and nothing more, I explained to you that I had something to show you and flew out the window and back again. Your eyes were shining and you were so happy that I trusted you, a Luthor, with such a secret. I said that we could do better than Lex and Superman and we became the very best of friends. We did everything together and did so much good! Then when you had to go to court as a witness, you were asked under oath what my identity was and you refused to answer. Everything was just perfect. I had you close to me, you didn't get hurt and I didn't have to hide anything from you. You didn't hate me... But then you were kidnapped by Agent Liberty because you were my weak spot and everyone knew it. They would kill you if I didn't reveal my identity to the whole world. That's why I did it, and that's how I saved you. But after my identity was known, everyone I cared about was killed. You, Alex, J'onn, Nia..." my voice broke and tears came again. RAO I'm such a crybaby today! But Lena makes me vulnerable and I have to tell her everything. No more secrets!

Lena's eyes were shining too and she squeezed my hand to show that she is there for me. That's why I kept sobbing: "After three attempts to tell you earlier, I realized that everything was worse than now. You were always killed and that's why I came to the conclusion that you would be better off if you had never met me... so I couldn't hurt you and never lied to you..." Lena looked at me in shock. "But something went wrong and Mxy and I were trapped in this new reality My home was destroyed and Mxy's magic was blocked. While he was trying to solve this problem, I was looking for you. In this reality, you didn't know me and you had henchmen everywhere keeping watch I looked for you at L-Corp and sure enough, there you were. I told you I was Supergirl and then that I was Kara, but you didn't care because you didn't know me as Kara. You were even more hurt than in all other realities and you were also with hate. When I wished that we never met, the consequence was that I didn't save you in the helicopter and your mother experimented on you. No one was there for you... it was horrible. I apologized to you but with tears in your eyes, you shot kryptonite at me to kill me. Mxy luckily managed to find magic in time and quickly took us away from that reality. All this then showed me that I shouldn't change the past... and even though I hurt you there was no other way. I had no choice because if I had told you the truth earlier I would have lost you and everyone else and I can't live with not having you in my life anymore..."

I wiped away my tears and waited for Lena's reaction to all of this.

Hey, here's the 4th chapter. It's a little long, but I hope you enjoyed it. I always wanted Lena to know about the 100th episode in Supergirl :)


Your Scorpiongirl

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