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Lena's POV

"Baby, please calm down," Jack said and suddenly he was wailing his mouth on mine. I was shocked at first, but then I pushed him away.

"Jack, I am calm. I'm completely serious. I want to break up with you right now," I explained to him.

"Why all of a sudden? The last three months have been good."

I sighed. How was I supposed to explain to him that I had fallen in love with my best friend and her loss had pushed me into his arms? It hadn't been clear to me until I saw Kara again and had her in my arms again. That's when I realized that Jack was just a distraction because I couldn't control my emotions and sadness. I liked Jack and he gave me support so that I didn't break down during the last months. But I saw him as just a good friend and not a boyfriend anymore. He hadn't been my kryptonite for a long time. Not since Kara invaded my life and turned everything upside down.

"Jack... I'm sorry, but what I feel for you is only friendship. I didn't realize it until now... I love you... but only as a good friend."

"Baby common. There is chemistry between us. Don't you remember how it was? The two of us in the garage. Sometimes we worked on projects and other times..." Jack came closer to me and wanted to kiss me again.

I stopped him with my hand. "Jack! I'M IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE ELSE!" Woah that felt good to shout it out loud. It just made everything more real. Yes, I had fallen in love with Kara Danvers. I could finally admit it. But I had to keep it to myself. I wouldn't be able to handle losing Kara over it.

Jack looked at me with amusement, "Yeah right and who please?"

"Jack, don't make this harder than it already is. Thank you for being there for me, but please accept my decision." Jack stopped smiling and looked at me seriously.

"Okay. Whatever you say. But believe me, someday you'll want me back. You will be mine again babe." he turned and walked out of my apartment.

I looked after him in shock. I didn't know he was so obsessed with me. I could forget about the friendship thing too. I had seen a side of Jack I didn't know. And I didn't need someone like that in my life.

I had to tell Kara about Jack before she heard it from someone else. Because I didn't want there to be any more secrets between us. So I took my cell phone and called her. I wanted to be with her to explain why I hadn't told her earlier and also to be with her so she wouldn't be alone. But strangely enough, she didn't answer. Maybe she had an assignment as Supergirl? I turned on the TV, but they didn't report anything about Supergirl.

Strange... had something happened? Oh, no was she having another nightmare or hallucination?

I immediately called Alex.

Alex: Lena? Are you okay?

Lena: Hey Alex. Yes, everything is fine. Do you know where Kara is?

Alex: Ehm, she had a mission as Supergirl, and then she went to you... Lena, wasn't she with you?

Kara was here? She came to see me? And then I realized what that meant. Oh no...

Lena: Alex? When did she come?

Alex: 15min ago. Lena what's wrong?!

Lena: Kara won't take my calls. I think she saw Jack kissing me... she probably thinks I don't trust her anymore. I need to find her.

I heard Alex mutter an oh shit.

Lena: Alex? I'm going to go to her place now and hope she's home.

Alex: Okay. Just let me know, please. And Lena? Don't break her heart even more, please.

Before I could ask what exactly Alex meant by that, she hung up.

I picked up my bag and made my way to Kara. Why had Alex said that? What the hell was going on here?

Here is chapter 12!

I hope you liked this chapter :)

Next update tomorrow.

Your Scorpiongirl

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