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When it was finally 12h, Kara went to Nia and they went to buy something to eat together.

Kara became more and more nervous the closer they got to the tower.

"Are you okay Kara?" asked Nia, who noticed that Kara was acting differently than usual when she went to visit Lena.

"Yep," the blonde-haired girl just squeaked.

Nia looked at her confused, but didn't reply anything and entered the tower.

Kara took a deep breath and then followed her. Kara, pull yourself together. Apologize and give her the food. You can do it!

"Brainy, Lena? Are you there?", Nia asked as she entered the main hall, which then led to the labs.

"Yes, we're here! Just a moment, we'll be right there," Brainy's voice rang out.

After a while, Brainy appeared and immediately went to greet Nia. Nia accepted the kiss and smiled contentedly.

Kara looked at all this and couldn't help but wish she could do the same with Lena.

"Hey Kara"

The blonde immediately turned back to the lab entrance and saw her beautiful girlfriend there. She realized that Lena had caught her watching the couple.

Kara slowly walked up to her and lifted the bag of food.

"Hey Lena, I was thinking that you probably forgot that you have to eat because you are absorbed in your inventions. That's why eeh I brought you something and I bought a little more than you can eat hoping that maybe eeh you can share your food ehm with eeh me.... but of course only if you want to and you don't mind and-"

"Thank you, I would love to share my food with you Kara." Lena interrupted her with a smile.

"O-okay," Kara smiled nervously.

She didn't know how to apologize to Lena. She can't do it in front of Nia and Brainy, otherwise, they will know that something is going on. And she would love to give Lena a kiss or a hug as a greeting, but after their conversation in the morning, she didn't know where she stood with Lena. Were they still good with each other or was Lena angry or disappointed because of her?

Nia and Brainy watched the scene curiously. It had been a long time since Kara spoke so quickly without a period or comma. This was going to get interesting.

Lena watched her girl and noticed how nervous she was right now. She couldn't stand the distance anymore and pulled Kara to her in a tight hug. Kara was surprised at first, but then she wrapped her arms around Lena and buried her nose in Lena's hair.

"I'm so sorry, Lee," she whispered softly.

"Sshhhh, I am sorry, darling. I've been thinking too much again. You are everything to me Kara and I don't want it to be a secret anymore. Let the world know we're together, I don't care. What matters is that I love you and you love me."

Lena let go of Kara and noticed how she looked happily at her. The black-haired girl couldn't resist it anymore and connected her lips with the blondes.

It was a gentle kiss, but it was enough to hear Nia's cry out all at once.


Kara looked up at her startled, but Lena just laughed in surprise.

"Finally?" the black-haired girl asked.

"Yeah, it's so obvious that you guys like each other. You can tell by your looks and actions," Nia said proudly.

"Well Nia, I had calculated the probability that a Luthor and a Super would get together was 2.09%. The probability of Monel coming back from the future to win Kara back for himself was much higher." commented Brainy in passing.

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