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"Yes, I think so and I have an idea, wait for me here for a moment please," Kara said.

Lena just nodded and Kara disappeared at super speed. She ran into the living room, lit all the candles, and took a special CD she had been given by Barry Allen. Then she went back to Lena, who hadn't moved an inch.

She offered her hand to Lena. The black-haired girl took her hand and got up from the chair. When Kara led her into the living room, Lena couldn't believe her eyes. The rose petals spread all over the living room and only the lighting of the candles turned the whole living room into a calm and romantic place. "Wow," Lena gasped. "This looks stunning Kara".

The blonde smiled proudly and brought Lena to the center of the room.

"May I ask you for a dance, M'Lady?"

Lena nodded her head and Kara put in the CD.

When the melody sounded, Kara took Lena's hand, and with the other hand, she pulled Lena to her by the waist. Then she gathered all her courage and started to sing. Her voice was as beautiful as an angel's.

🎶 Can't say how the days will unfold,

Can't change what the future may hold

But, I want you in it

Every hour, every minute🎶

🎶This world can race by far too fast

Hard to see while it's all flying past

But, it's clear now,

When you're standing here now

I am meant to be wherever you are next to me🎶

Lena gulped when she realized that Kara just dedicated this song to her. She realized that Kara was just singing her feelings. Her heart was beating faster and faster, but she still let Kara lead her on. Her voice was so beautiful that Lena wants to listen for hours.

🎶All I want to do

Is come running home to you

Come running home to youuuu

And all my life I promise to

Keep running home to you

Keep running hooooome

To you🎶

🎶And I could seeeeee it

Right from the start

Right from the staaaart

That you would be

Be my light in the dark

Light in the daaaark

Oh, you gave me no other choice

But to loooove youuuuu🎶

Kara stopped singing and dancing and waited for Lena's reaction, but she was in some kind of shock. She didn't know if she had understood Kara correctly.

"Lena?", Kara whispered and put her forehead against Lena's.

Only then did Lena realize that her eyes were closed, but she didn't want to open them yet.

"Yes?", Lena whispered back almost silently.

"What are you seeing right now?" she asked softly.

"Nothing," confessed Lena, who still had her eyes closed.

"This would be my life without you..."

When Lena heard that, she opened her eyes and met Kara's ocean blue eyes.

Kara moved a few centimeters away from Lena to have a better look at her.

She gathered all her courage. It was now or never.

She took one deep breath and then she finally dared.

"I love you, Lena Luthor. With everything I have."

And here is chapter 25 😌

To all of you who are still here, thank you!

And to the new readers, welcome ☺

Your Scorpiongirl 🤍

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