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A pair of hands covered by farming gloves shake apprehensively under the sun's intense heat. It is a scorching day, and beads of sweat form on their arms and forehead. Their hands tightly grasp onto a tool's handle, and a strained breath leaves their mouth as they drag the tool across the dirt. It is silent, with only the sound of the metal tiller scraping against the soil, along with their strained breaths and pants.

Suddenly, a much younger-looking Takakura enters the farm, carrying a bag of groceries across his back. He raises an eyebrow, confused.

"Hm. Looks like you're struggling a little bit there, huh?"

Suddenly, the person turns and raises their head. A young man with shaggy brown hair and light brown eyes looks in his direction, his light tan skin sweltering under the summer heat. He puts his hand over his hip and holds the tiller in his elbow.

"I got this Tak, alright? Yeah, this tiller's got a little weight on it... So what? It'll grow on me." He wipes his brow, pulling at the end of one of his farming gloves. He manages to crack a smile under his tired expression, trying to reassure him. "Anyways, what 'cha got for me today?"

Takakura wrinkles his eyebrows, pulling the rucksack off of his shoulder.

"Same old. Food for the chickens, seeds... Nothin' special." He opens the bag and pulls out a large sack of chicken feed and a few bags of vegetable seeds. He picks up the seed bags and tosses them at him. "Hey, make sure these get planted today, alright? Summer already started; you're runnin' late on these guys."

The man rolls his eyes, waving dismissively at him.

"Relax, man. As long as they get plenty of fertilizer and water, they'll grow just fine." He walks up to him, patting the side of his arm. "You trust me, don't you Tak?"

Despite being slightly annoyed, Takakura can't help but crack a smile at those words.

"Yeah," He replies, grasping his shoulder. Jack nods in acknowledgment, then turns around to open the bags of seeds.

"Well, guess I'll take care of these babies now. I've been tilling this soil all day, better put it to good use. You can go ahead and feed those chickens for me if you don't mind. Gonna be preoccupied with this for a while."

"Right." Takakura responds, lifting the bag over his shoulder. He begins to walk away, heading towards the chicken coop. Suddenly, he stops in his tracks, a sudden thought coming to his mind.


Intrigued, Jack turns his head to look at him, his attention grabbed.

"What's up?"

Takakura rubs the back of his head, clearing his throat as his back still faces toward him. 

"I'm heading to the Blue Bar tonight to unwind a little. You should come with me. It's good to take breaks from your work now and then, y'know?"

Jack's eyes light up, then a warm smile forms across his face as he gives him a thumbs up.

"Heh, how can I say no to that? Sounds like a plan, Tak."

Another involuntary smile forms across his lips as Takakura starts walking again. It was the answer he had hoped for; a chance to spend time with his friend. Jack can't help but smile as well, feeling grateful that he has someone like Takakura in his life. A night of them just shooting the breeze... What more could they ask for?


Not before long, nightfall finally arrives. Jack lets out a deep sigh and enters the Blue Bar slowly, and Griffin smiles over at him, placing a glass down on the counter.

A Story of Seasons: The Story of Jill | Volume II: SummerWhere stories live. Discover now