Chapter III: You Are My Home

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I'm going to have fun.

That's exactly what I told myself when I decided to leave.

I'm going to be free. I'll live under my own rules and escape my mental prison.

Soon enough, though... Living a life so carefree...

Became so lonely.


This must be the place... Juliet thought, staring at the entrance sign of Evergreene Farm. There's a chill in the air, brisk wind piercing through her uncovered skin as she tries her best to calm her nerves. Summer is nearing an end, and it's been months since she encountered Jack on that fateful night. The evenings are starting to become cold again as autumn is close to returning. The sun is setting, and the farm has a warm glow of reds and oranges across its land. There is also a strong earthy smell, as if the soil was floating through the air. She shivers, frozen in place as she tries her best to build up the courage to take the first step.

Did he forget about me?

Does he still run the farm?

Am I trespassing?

These questions and more swirl through her head as she enters the farm timidly. She swallows some saliva as she passes the entrance sign and walks towards the pasture. No one is in sight but some sheep and cows nonchalantly munching on grass within the fenced pasture. She stares at the animals in awe, her gaze fixed on their calm movements. She can't help but crack a smile despite her uneasiness.

Suddenly, a sheep spots her, poking its head past the wooden fencing to look at her. Its wool is fluffy and bushy, making the sheep look like a walking cloud. Allured, she walks towards the animal and timidly reaches over to pet its head. When her hand finally meets the sheep's head, it baas softly, closing its eyes as it lets her hand stroke the top of its head. Her smile widens, her nerves melting away as she feels the soft wool on top of its small head.

"Can I help you?" A voice booms from behind her. Startled, she lets out a quick shriek, startling the sheep and causing it to run to the other side of the fence. Frazzled, she turns around to see Takakura standing there, his expression muddled.

"Oh, um..." Her hands are shaky and clammy, words struggling to leave her throat. "I'm...So sorry. I thought...This was someone else's farm. M-My mistake, I'll... Get going now..."

Her voice is shaking violently, and she brushes herself off and prepares to leave the farm. Takakura's expression relaxes, a curious expression forming across his face.

"Who you lookin' for?" He asks, putting a hand on his hip. She plays with her fingers, stopping in place.

"Someone named Jack. You... Probably don't know who that is."

He raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms as his expression grows more confused.

"Jack? The guy who owns this place?"

"Y-Yes!" She exclaims, more excitement in her voice than she expected. She blushes, embarrassed. "Y-Yes, sir."

"Ah." He furrows his brow, observing her closely. "You're an unfamiliar face. You're not from the valley, are you?

"N-No, I'm not." She responds timidly, playing with the bangs in her hair. Her heart is pounding, and no amount of self-comfort is easing her nerves now. He narrows his eyes, his head tilting slightly.

A Story of Seasons: The Story of Jill | Volume II: SummerWhere stories live. Discover now