Chapter XIV: Something to Protect

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I don't know. I can't really explain it.

It's like when I'm with them... All of my problems suddenly go away. Seeing them smile, laugh, tell stupid jokes... It makes it harder to remember the person I was when I first came to this town. That person felt so alone in the world, no matter how many smiles were thrown her way.

I never want to feel like that person again.


Ann proudly waves her arms around the duffle bag sitting on top of the grass below our feet, her teeth gleaming at me as she gives me an excited smile.

"Everything's here! And now... We have one more member to our team..." She points her finger at me. "You!"

I can't help but chuckle. She's being so enthusiastic about this. I guess she arranged some get-together, or "bonding session," as she put it. She giggles, leaning toward my face.

"Hehe, it's nice to see you out and about without all that farm gear on you! It makes you look... Relaxed, y'know?"

"Y-Yeah, it feels good." I respond, a little flustered. My smile rises. "Better for the heat, too."

She lets out another amused chuckle. Despite being swamped with work, I think this is an opportunity to have fun and forget about things... Though, slacking like this does make me feel a little guilty. Gray narrows his eyes at her, crossing his arms.

"You better have a good reason for pulling me away from work..." Gray says bitterly, tapping on his arm impatiently. Ann's smile drops, and she leans toward his face, irked.

"Oh, shut it! If you really wanted to stay at the old guy's forge, you would've!" She gives him a devious smile. "Face it, Gray. You want to be here. I can read you like a book."

"Tch." Gray sucks his teeth and turns his head, admitting defeat. Only because baked corn was promised... He mutters under his breath, barely audible. Ann's smirk widens, nodding her head.

"Yep, I am a girl of my word. I will make sure you get your precious corn." She responds teasingly.

"I'm surprised Cliff isn't here." I say, pulling at the front of my shirt. "Was he busy or something?"

"I... Actually don't know." Ann responds, her brow furrowing. "I legit haven't seen him around lately, which is weird. He loves to wander though, so it's all good."

"Huh." Gray's face relaxes, his expression softening slightly. "Well, if you did ask him, I'm sure he wouldn't pass up a chance to hang out with you."

"Psssssssh." Ann playfully pushes him, her face reddening. "Knock it off. You sound so stupid right now!"

Gray narrows his eyes and looks away, grunting under his breath. I can't help but smile. They act just like siblings. I'm not sure if they are or not, honestly, but it does make me wonder what life would have been like if I had a brother or sister.

"So what exactly do you have planned, Ann?" I ask, secretly excited. She turns to face me, her eager smile reappearing.

"Glad you asked! I think all of us have been wayyyyy too stressed lately. We all deserve a day just for us, for pure, unadulterated fun!" She then points her arm to Kai's restaurant. "First stop, Kai's place!"

"Oh God, please don't tell me you're gonna pull another person away from work." Gray mumbles, his eyes narrowing. Ann chuckles, turning to face him.

"What kind of girl do you think I am?" She sticks her tongue out, putting a hand on her hip. "I've got something more fun than that in mind."


A Story of Seasons: The Story of Jill | Volume II: SummerWhere stories live. Discover now