Chapter XVI: Truth Hurts, Lies Kill

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 "Okay, Flora. I'm calling it a night."

Carter sighs as he gathers his tools and ends another excavation session. Still squatting, Flora looks up at him, puzzled.

"Hm? So early?"

"Yes. We seem to keep getting poor luck with our searches lately." He grasps the bottom of his necklace, his brow furrowing into a thoughtful frown. "It's possible that the spirits, or possibly the Goddess herself, are unhappy. The lack of rain is only further proof of that."

"Professor..." Flora raises from her squatting position and disapprovingly shakes her head. "With all due respect, blaming something we aren't for sure exists doesn't help anything. You shouldn't let yourself-"

"Look around, Flora!" Carter exclaims as he flails his arm in front of him, frustrated. "We haven't found a single archeological discovery since summer began! Your skepticism is what's not helping matters."

Flora lowers her eyebrows, a scowl forming across her face. Carter turns away from her, a solemn frown forming on his lips.

"I apologize. I didn't mean to snap at you." He rubs his temples and shakes his head, letting out a disgruntled sigh. "I need to keep a level head, I can't let these imbalances take my spirit."

Flora's face relaxes, a concerned pout resting on her face as she walks to Carter's side and grabs his arm.

"It will be okay, Professor. Just remember you aren't alone in this excavation. I'm willing to help you however I can, okay?"

Carter nods his head, immediately soothed by her words. Flora gives him a gentle smile, continuing to squeeze his arm firmly. Carter looks over at her gently, a solemn look in his eyes.

"Why is this happening, Flora...?" He mutters desolately. His brow furrows, removing his glasses from his face. "I'm not one to confuse correlation and causation, but..." He turns himself around to face her. "This all began after that girl fell down the mines last spring, is that accurate?"

Flora's lips part from each other, the memory of that day flashing back to her. She feels her throat go dry and swallows some saliva, her hands starting to tremble as she removes her grip from Carter's arm.

"Y-Yes." She presses her palm to her mouth, her eyebrows wrinkling. "What are you implying?"

Carter crosses his arms and lets out another sigh, turning toward the cave entrance from that fateful night.

"We may be treading unwelcome grounds, Flora." Carter says, perturbed. "We don't know where that girl ended up after she fell like that. It could have been a sacred burial ground, a place forbidding visitors. This could explain the unforeseen circumstances, not to mention the night tremors we've been facing ever since."

Flora wrinkles her eyebrows, shakes her head, and walks ahead of him. Carter perks up, his eyebrow raised.


She sighs, her lavender eyes dim behind her glasses. "I think that girl has been through more than enough. I don't want her getting involved with anything like this anymore. Blaming her for things is not helping anyone." She turns her head slightly, her lips pursed together. "Goodnight, Professor. I sincerely hope you can find peace of mind tonight."

She then disappears and makes her way out of the cave. Carter closes his eyes tightly, his eyebrows tight over his eyes.

Peace of mind... He thought, his mind swirling. He turns around and glances toward the entrance of the mines, his gaze strong. He clenches his fists, making his way toward the candlelit entrance of the caves.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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