Chapter IV: See You Tomorrow

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There's only one thing I want from her more than anything.

I want her to enjoy life, no matter what's thrown at her.

That's how I'll know...

I succeeded as a father.


I yawn groggily as I exit my farmhouse at the dreaded time of 6:30 am. The sun's warm, pink glow makes its entrance as the break of dawn makes its entrance. There's also that familiar smell of morning dew that is as relaxing as it is overwhelming. I rub one of my eyes and stretch as I prepare for an unusually early start to my day.

Sluggishly, I walk over to my field to check on my crops. My corn and tomato sprouts have gotten taller, and the strawberries look plump and ready to be picked. Later will be a good time for that. I slowly reach over to turn on my sprinkler and give the crops a much-needed drink. Now, it's time to go to the barn. Takakura's waiting for me.

I push open the barn door, and the bright lights of the barn make me squint my eyes. Takakura is standing close to Camilla, leaning one of his arms on her side.

"Mornin', sunshine." Takakura says smugly. "Welcome to farm life."

"Ugh..." I let out a groan as his sly tone immediately gets on my nerves. I rub under my eye. "Let's just get to the point..."

I slowly walk towards him, holding my arms as I realize how freezing it is here. I feel goosebumps form on my arms as a chill runs down my spine, and seeing Takakura stand there with just a tank top and jeans on makes me feel even colder.

"Don't you think it's kind of...Cold in here?" I mumble, rubbing my arms desperately to keep myself warm. He shrugs dismissively, his arms folded across his chest.

"It's summertime. Animals can get heat stroke too, y'know." He throws the towel wrapped around his arm over his shoulder. "Now, it's time for your first crash course."

"Crash course in what?" I ask, impatient. He pats Camilla's head, who is nonchalantly standing still beside him.

"Animals." He says, smirking. "Specifically, cows."

I feel the inside of my body jolt, and all of a sudden, I feel more awake.

"Wait, for real?" I ask, suddenly interested.

"Yup. I've already taken care of her... Cleaning business, but there's something else very important I'm gonna teach you now."

His eyes lower to Camilla's udders, and I feel a sense of dread hit me in the gut.

"Oh no... You don't mean..." My face scrunches up, my arms dropping to the side as my stomach drops with them. He nods.

"Yup. Time to learn how to get yourself some milk."

"Eugh." I cringe, clenching my hands into fists. I stare at my palms, which are covered with my farming gloves. "I have to use my hands?"

He shrugs. "Well. You don't have to, but this is the way I'm used to doing it. You could buy yourself one of those fancy milking machines, but they ain't cheap. 10,000 Gold a pop."

"Yikes." I say, sucking some air through my teeth. I let out a short sigh, admitting defeat. "Well, guess I had to learn this sooner or later. Go ahead, show me the ropes."

He squats at the side of the cow, and he pets the stool next to him. I quickly sit on it and wait in anticipation for my lesson.

"So, the first step is to make sure her udders are clean, which I already did for you. Always use a warm rag and vegan soap; the skin's very sensitive."

A Story of Seasons: The Story of Jill | Volume II: SummerWhere stories live. Discover now