Chapter V: Time to Get Going

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She's perfect. She reminds me of that same companion you had many years ago. Such a beautiful creature. I knew she was the one the moment I spotted her sitting in that stable.

"Excuse me? I'll take this one, please."

And just like that, the farm gains another member.

I hope she loves her as much as I do.



My mouth drops open when I see the majestic animal standing in front of me. A giant horse stands in my view, calmly standing still as she drags her hoof across the dirt. She's a Clydesdale, a black-colored horse with white fur at her feet, tail, and mane. Her eyes are a subtle shade of amber, and her coat is shiny and glistening. This is, without exaggeration, the most beautiful horse I have ever seen. Takakura gives me a smug grin, in a way that I can tell he was holding it back.

"Heh, thought you would like her. It'll definitely make life a little easier for you here."

"I-I..." Words fail to leave my mouth as the shock of it all overwhelms me. I inhale sharply, calming myself down. "How did you... How were able to afford this?"

I'm annoyed that this is what comes out of my mouth first instead of a simple 'thank you', but I really am curious how he was able to afford such an expensive horse. He shrugs, his usual stoic expression returning to his face.

"I can't take the credit. Your mom bought her. Even went so far as to pay for a saddle and equipment, too. I just picked up everything and brought it here."

I hold my chest as I feel warmth build up inside of it. Mom. She was thinking about me the whole time. I pull out my phone to call her.

"She's at work right now, but I'm sure you'll hear from her soon," He says reassuringly, gently brushing through her mane with his fingers. "I'll admit I'm worried about this white fur she got. She'll get dirty easily, so you gotta make sure she gets baths—lots of 'em."

I nod, placing my phone in my back pocket. 

"She'll get plenty of TLC, trust me." I smile contently. "Thank you, Takakura."

He smiles in amusement, petting the side of the horse's head.

"Go on. Give her a pat. Let's have you two meet first."

I nod excitedly, petting the horse's head with both of my hands. She snorts quietly, lowering her head into my hands. This is all so nostalgic to me. Dad had a horse on the farm growing up, a Clydesdale just like this one. Elise. Thanks to her, I was able to get lots of riding lessons as a kid, and horse riding is etched into my memory just like riding a bike... But I am pretty rusty, hate to admit it.

"Hey there, girl..." I whisper, pressing my forehead against her head. I continue stroking the sides of her face, my farming gloves rubbing against her thick skin.

"Here." Takakura hands me a red apple, and I eagerly take it and feed it to her. Her teeth take the entire fruit in one bite. My smile widens. This all feels so familiar even though I haven't touched a horse in close to five years. He grabs the reins dangling from the side of her body.

 "Alright, let's get to the good stuff. Ready to get a refresher on your riding lessons?"

A smile grows across my lips as adrenaline hits my body like a truck. I ball both of my fists in front of me.

"Yes!" I exclaim, finally releasing my joy. "Thank you!"

"Oh, first thing's first." He pats the side of her body.  "Go ahead. Name her." He urges gently. 

A Story of Seasons: The Story of Jill | Volume II: SummerWhere stories live. Discover now