Chapter IX: The Light That Burns Twice as Bright, Part I

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I could never express to you how much I love you. I knew from the day we met that I wanted to see you again. And again. And again. I'm obsessed with you. I really can't put into words how lucky I am that you chose me and started a family with me.

I can't imagine what my life would've been without you. You've given me so much, and you really are the most beautiful person I have ever met. Thank you for being by my side through everything despite all the mistakes I made. Don't blame yourself for what happened to me. I would do it all over from the start if it meant going through life with you again.

You're my home. You're my world.

I love you so much.


Juliet's body feels so warm against mine as I hold her close to me in a tight hug. I can't believe she came back. I hope she doesn't notice my hands shaking; I can't believe this is all happening. She sniffles, clasping her hands to the back of my jacket.

"Juliet..." I mumble shakily, squeezing her tighter as she buries her face in my shoulder. "I missed you so much."

She lifts her head, and I see her smile—something that never fails to make me smile. Her purple eyes are twinkling, and her fingers fondle the creases of my jacket.

"I missed you too, Jack." She says breathily. I missed her voice so much. We break away from each other slowly, and I feel myself become lost in her eyes. She takes a deep breath, playing with the front of her blouse as her eyes shift away from me.

"Is it okay... To feel that way?"

I raise an eyebrow at her, not expecting her to say that.

"Y-Yeah, course it is." I say lamely, the question catching me off guard. I let out a nervous chuckle, feeling my stomach turn a little. "Why wouldn't it be?"

She lowers her eyes, her smile disappearing.

"Even after how I treated you...?" She asks timidly, unable to look me in the eyes. "After I left you like that?"

"Hey." I lift my hand to her face, pushing some hair from the front of her eyes. "It's okay. I'm just glad you came back. I just want you to know that I'll always be here whenever you do want to open up. I swear."

I mean that. I went about learning about her too bluntly. Everything I said that day was true, and I wanted to know more about her, but I never considered how she felt talking about it. These things need to happen naturally, and I wish I had known that before making such a stupid mistake. Juliet narrows her eyes and exhales, and my thumb continues to stroke the side of her face. A sense of relief comes over me when I notice her frown ease up. 

"I really am sorry, Jack..." She says gently, a sincere gleam in her eyes. "I abandoned you, and I took so long to come back."

I smile at her reassuringly, nodding my head. 

"It's okay, Juliet." I repeat, desperate to console her. "You're here now, that's what matters."

I remove my hand from her face, and she gives me a soft smile, reaching inside the sachel on her left side.

"There's something I want to give you, too." She clears her throat, and her face starts to flush. "Remember when I said I wanted to become a baker before?"

"Of course I do." I respond, an eager smile growing on my face. Her smile widens as she pulls out a wrapped box with a blue bow on top.

"Well... I made you something." I notice her fingers fidget, her anxious smile trembling across her lips. "A large butter cookie with sprinkled sugar on top. You told me they're your favorite, so..." She glances away from me shyly, her face red. "I made one for you."

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