Chapter X: The Light That Burns Twice as Bright, Part II

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Author's note: Just as a heads up, this next part of the story will be dealing with much heavier topics than usual, including grief, abuse, and suicide (Implied, not described explicitly) If these topics are in any way triggering to you, please take extra care reading this part of the story. Thank you for reading, and please put your mental wellness first. Take care of yourselves. :)


Thank you for allowing me to experience parenthood. I hope I was a good enough role model for you.

Was I a good father? Man, I hope so. Despite everything, I hope you know that I worked just for you and your mother. I wanted you to have a secure future, to not worry about falling back on something because you don't have any options like I did. 

I would love for you to take over this place when you're older, but I want it to be your choice. I was intent on you taking over before, but as I lie here, unable to move a single part of my body, I'm having second thoughts. The thought of you ending up like me... My only kid. It wasn't supposed to be this way.

I'm so sorry, Juliana. I love you to bits, to pieces. If I don't make it through this, please don't blame yourself.

It's not your fault...

It's not your fault.


The wedding day came and went for us. Nothing super ceremonious, we decided to have our little gathering on the beach, and Juliet insisted that we have the wedding no matter what the weather was. We got married on my mother's birthday, which landed in mid-autumn. Funny enough, it did rain that day. We didn't care, and neither did the townsfolk. The whole town came to our wedding, all 17 of them! We were drenched, but we lived it up and celebrated like nothing was happening. Juliet wore a lavender dress that really brought out her eyes. She took my breath away when I saw her wearing it for the first time. I wore a purple tie for coordination's sake. Shout out to Sebastian and Grace for lending me a suit and Juliet a dress!

The blacksmith in Mineral Town made a ring with the blue feather for her and a silver band for me. He infused the feather with ore and made a stunning blue crystal orb out of it. When you look closely, you can see bits and pieces of the feather inside it. She almost cried when I showed it to her. It made it all worth it.

Juliet and I were now husband and wife, and before we knew it, six months flew by. I had just turned 23, and Juliet was 25. We were happy; it was only a matter of one question: What happens next?

"Hey, Jules! I'm heading out now, okay?"

I exclaim this from the other side of the house as she sits in the bathroom behind a closed door. There's no response, but I do hear the sink running on the other side. I raise an eyebrow and walk toward the door. She probably didn't hear me.

"Babe, I'm going to work, alright? I love you."

I stare at the door, waiting for her to respond before I leave.

"Mm-hmm... I love you too..."

I hear her unsteadily mumble this from the other side, her voice weak. She opens the door, her eyes tired as she grasps her upper stomach, her face pale. She smiles weakly, her hand scrunching up the middle of her nightshirt as she breathes heavily through her mouth. My eyebrows wrinkle up, and my mouth falls open slightly.

"Jules...? Are you okay?"

I immediately notice how sickly she looks. Her face is flushed, and her forehead is sweaty. She nods her head gingerly, struggling to look me in the eyes. Concerned, I take off my farming glove and reach out to touch her, feeling her face to check for a fever. She's burning hot.

A Story of Seasons: The Story of Jill | Volume II: SummerWhere stories live. Discover now