Chapter I: Turning Tides

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Keep running. Keep running.

Those eyes pierce through the walls, watching every single move I make. They're like red daggers, ready to strike me at any moment.

Horrified, I try running, my legs feeling like jelly and my body feeling airy. It feels like I'm running through the sky. Even though I'm running as fast as I can, I feel like I'm in the same spot and not going anywhere. I can't catch my breath, panting uncontrollably as I try my hardest to get away. I hold my chest, trying to conceal the sharp pain stabbing against it.

I turn my head to see if I've gotten away. Though the eyes are no longer in sight, I still feel the presence, so I continue running. I'm not letting them catch up to me.

Just keep running.

Suddenly, a wall blocks my path, and I crash into it, causing me to fall to the floor in pain. The soreness from the impact shoots through my entire body. I try to scream, but nothing comes out. Not even a whimper. Not even a gasp of air. Nothing.

Disoriented, I raise my head, continuing to hold onto my upper chest. The eyes are back, and with those eyes is her figure, cast behind shadows. She lets out a chuckle, her voice echoing through the walls of the void. She kneels to me, and her cold hand strokes the side of my cheek gently. Despite the bitterly cold touch, her hands are very soft, like a cloud passing through the side of my face.

Why so scared? She whispers, her voice chilly.

She continues to rub my face, placing strands of hair behind my ear. I am frozen, my body limp and lifeless. I continue to hold onto my chest as the burning sensation inside it continues to get worse. She smiles at me, and despite there being a smile on her face, there isn't a sense of happiness in her expression, more like intense irritation.

You can keep trying to run away from it all, but just like that wall... Things will get in your way, and you'll have no choice but to stop running. Then what? Will you stop and face what you're running from?

I rise from my position hurriedly, and suddenly, I see my dad standing right in front of me, his brown eyes looking down at me emptily. Horrified, I look down at my hands, and they are coated with blood. I lose control of my breathing, my attempts at screaming continuing not to work as I fade away into the darkness.

My eyes open up quickly, my heart racing and pounding hard against my chest. I quickly jolt up from my bed, and I sigh in relief, noticing the familiar sights of my little cabin. My hands are trembling, and I hold them together tightly. Just another rough nightmare. It's been happening again and again, and they keep getting worse with each passing night. I bury my face in my hands, letting out a groan. Not exactly the best way to start my morning, but I'm up now, so it's time to face the day.

I glance over to the side of my bed, and I spot Savior lying on my left side. I smile calmly, stroking the top of his soft head. I lay back down for a moment and hold him close to me, craving a sense of comfort. He doesn't move an inch, letting me hold him without any fuss. As much as I would love to stay in bed like this, responsibilities await.

I sit up and grab my phone to check the time, and I see a missed call from my mom. It's 9:17 am. She called me less than an hour ago, and it's unlike her to call me out of the blue like that. Alarmed, I quickly dial her number to call her back, letting the phone ring in my ear. I let out a sigh as I anticipate a conversation with her.

"Hi, honey." Mom answers after only two rings. Her voice is tired as if she just woke up too. I smile, pushing some hair past my shoulder.

"What's up, Mom?" I ask, pulling at strands of my hair. My voice is unsteady, but I try to maintain my enthusiasm. She clears her throat.

A Story of Seasons: The Story of Jill | Volume II: SummerWhere stories live. Discover now