Chapter XV: Storm After the Calm

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Summer is really getting to her head. It's irritating, it's aggravating. Anything but work for her. I can tell her head is in the clouds, so I think it's time for a little reminder of why she's here.

After all, it's all going to come to an end.

And when that happens...


"As the dry weather continues, meteorologists continue to investigate the potential of a major summer storm. For now, expect temperatures to remain in the 90s for the next few days. Make sure to stay cool and------"

The radio drones on, adding ambiance to the atmosphere. Kai is seen sitting under a beach umbrella on a towel, staring off into the sea with his arm resting on his knee. His mouth is covered by his forearm, but his eyes are intense, as if he's focusing intently on something. He falls back on his palms and sighs, a bored look on his face.

A storm... That would really suck. Hope it doesn't destroy my restaurant again. He lowers his eyes, his face becoming somber. I hope Jill and her animals will be okay, too.


A quiet voice calls out to him, and he turns his head, spotting Cliff timidly making his way toward him. Kai raises his eyebrows in surprise and grins up at him, turning the radio off.

"Yo, what's up, Cliff? Haven't seen you around lately."

Cliff presses his fingers together nervously, struggling to look Kai in the eyes as a morbid look rests on his face.

"I'm sorry. It's just, um..." He mumbles these words insecurely, sweat forming on the sides of his head. Kai wrinkles his eyebrows and frowns, disturbed.

"Dude, what's wrong? Is everything alright?" He asks, troubled. Cliff purses his lips together and lowers his head.

"Can we talk in private?"

Kai's expression softens, a concerned frown still on his face.

"'Course, man. No one else is here. C'mon, sit down."

Cliff nods his head, sitting about three feet away from Kai's side. His expression becomes serious, and his eyes are lowered.

"I was going to talk to Ann, but I couldn't find her. She probably went out to Mineral Town to see her father." He swallows some saliva, brushing the back of his head. "So I went to find you."

Gee, thanks... Kai thought cynically, narrowing his eyes away from him. Cliff let out a quiet sigh, his purple eyes dim.

"So... I met someone in the spring a few days ago." He mutters, holding his knee close to his chest. "A woman I've never seen before."

"Yeah?" Kai chuckles quietly, resting his head in his hand. "So... You've been seeing her or something?"

"N-No!" Cliff blurts out, flustered. He holds his hands together, pressing his lips together tightly. "She was a lot older than me, and her hair and eyes were the same as mine. It honestly... Freaked me out a little." His expression becomes calmer. "We talked for a while, and I found out something... Really scary."

Kai raises an eyebrow at him and stares in his direction, silently anticipating him to continue. Cliff clenches his hand into a fist, maintaining his composure.

A Story of Seasons: The Story of Jill | Volume II: SummerWhere stories live. Discover now