Chapter XIII: An Aquatic Discovery

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The heatwave continues to devastate the valley. The crops are weakening, and the balance of nature is crumbling. I can only watch in horror as this beautiful valley I was created to protect falls apart. Not only Forget-Me-Not Valley, but other farming villages are now starting to feel the ripple of my absence.

This girl's head is unfocused, prioritizing fun over work. But... I can't grow frustrated with her. She's growing and experiencing life, and sprites are still returning, but at a much slower pace. Too slow. If this continues, I'm afraid that... He will have to intervene. Lila is weakened, but I'm sure her resentment grows as the days pass. I fear what she is capable of, even without most of her powers.

And Leia.

I hope you are safe.


Cliff stands alone in the Goddess Spring, his eyes fixated on the pond's water. It is the break of dawn, and there is a strong scent of morning dew in the air. The sky is overcast, but not a single drop of rain. The grass is dry and tepid, and the humid air causes fog to roll in around the spring. He lowers his head and closes his eyes, his expression calm.

Suddenly, he hears shuffling behind him, and he jumps, instantly breaking his calm trance and interrupting his train of thought. He turns shakily to see Juliet giving him a nervous smile, taken aback by his intense reaction.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't think anyone else was here..." She mumbles nervously, chuckling to herself to soothe her nerves. Clearing her throat, she puts a hand on her upper chest. "I'll come back later."

"N-No, it's okay..." He replies shakily, fidgeting with his fingers as he avoids eye contact with her. "I just... Wasn't expecting anyone to be here... So early in the morning."

Juliet gives him a relieved smile, her fingers still pressed against her lower neckline.

"I suppose I thought the same..." She lowers her eyes, her smile shrinking. She makes her way to the pond, keeping a distance from him, about 5 feet or so. She holds her hands behind her back, stares at her reflection, and takes a deep breath through her nose. An unexpected visitor now distracts Cliff's mind, and he can't help but glance over at her multiple times uneasily. She was an unfamiliar face, and her presence unnerved him.

The two stay silent for minutes, thoughts haunting both of their heads. Juliet glances over at him, and they meet eyes, which causes Cliff to blush and glance away flusteredly.

"If it's okay to ask... Are you from the valley?" She asks, her voice gentle. "I haven't been up to date on the villagers here, I was just wondering if you were a local."

He shakes his head, his face still searing anxiously.

"M-Mineral Town..." He mutters, the tone of her voice soothing him. "I'm from Mineral Town... Sometimes. I... Like to see different places."

Juliet's eyes light up, and she continues to gaze over at him in interest.

"You're a traveler?" She asks, intrigued. He nods in response, swallowing some saliva. She smiles fondly, nodding her head in confirmation.

"I was a traveler too, many years ago. I've been to a lot of places, including Mineral Town." She pushes some hair behind her ear, her eyes sparkling. "3 years of living life so carefree..."

Cliff glances back at her timidly, noticing the sad look in her eyes. Feeling more comfortable, his muscles loosen as his uneasiness melts away.

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