Chapter VIII: I'll Always Be Here

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"I miss him."

Juliet buries her face in her arms and knees as she sits on the velvet red bedding, her long hair draped around her. Grace is sitting right next to her, rubbing her back gently.

"Now, now. It'll be alright." She stops rubbing her back and clasps her shoulder, laying her head on the side of her arm. "I hate seeing you get so torn up over this man."

"I love him, Grace." Juliet says softly, raising her head from her knees. "I should have just told him that before." She clasps her arms tighter, shaking her head as she grits her teeth. "But he doesn't trust me."

"I don't think that's true." Grace responds gently, her fingers caressing her upper arm. "I think he wants to be there for you. I know Jack. He has such a soft heart. I think he's scared of getting hurt, just like you are." 

"Oh no..." Juliet digs her fingers through her scalp, her face grimacing. "I can't believe I left him like that. It must have hurt him so much...And it's been a week already." Her nails dig into the sides of her temples. "He hates me. I know he does."

Grace gives her a stern expression, suddenly pulling her close by her shoulders.

"Listen here! Don't you dare degrade yourself like that! There is no chance on Earth that man hates you! You are a beautiful, no, gorgeous woman, and both of you deserve each other." She rises from the bed, her arms crossed. "Juliet. I want you to sleep on it tonight. Take a walk, write it out, do whatever you need to do. If you really want to be with him, I would be at his doorstep first thing tomorrow. You need to remove this burden from your heart."

Suddenly, an elegant-sounding doorbell rings through the walls of the home, and Grace hastily makes her way out of the room.

"We'll finish this discussion, just give me a moment!"

Grace dashes out of the bedroom while Juliet dangles her legs off the side of the bed, letting out a distressed sigh. She stares ahead at the open bedroom door blankly, her hands clasping the side of the bed.

Grace makes her way down the stairs and opens the door. She feels her heart jump when she sees Jack standing in front of her, holding a large basket.

"Jack! What a pleasant surprise!" She exclaims cheerily, pressing her hands together in front of her chest. Juliet perks up and lets out an audible gasp, instantly jumping to her feet and quietly making her way through the hallway to peek downstairs without being spotted. Her face swelters the moment she spots him. He's carrying a large basket of carrots and various leafy vegetables, his glove-covered hands tightly grasping the side handles of the bin. Jack smiles at Grace, nodding his head as he makes his way inside.

"What's up, Grace? Your mom ordered a bunch of veggies again." He places the basket on top of the grand piano. "Is right here okay?"

"Oh, there is just fine." She responds quickly, dismissive of it. "Mother's out on another walk, Sebastian will take care of them." 

Juliet continues to silently watch them. The more she looked at Jack, the harder her heart started to beat... And the more intense her guilt became.

"So typical of her..." Grace mutters, narrowing her eyes in annoyance. "Ordering a bundle of produce without putting me into consideration. Honestly, she knows I can't stand vegetables."

"Really?" Jack asks, his eyebrow rising. He lets out a small chuckle, amused. "Didn't think you were a picky eater."

"I am quite high maintenance, Mr. Evergreene. You'd take well to know that." She smirks playfully after saying this, so Jack has a hard time figuring out if she's being serious or not. Grace raises an eyebrow at him, giving him a knowing smirk.

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