Part 1

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Tee is a happy young man at the age of 24. He has almost everything except his loving mother that died when he was 14 but he is not sad about that, he is happy that his sick mother leave him with a smile.

He has a kind father that love him twice, replacing his mother's love. He never feel lonely and lack of love. He has his bestfriens with him, Kit and Farm. Most importantly he has a boyfriend too!

The boyfriend is his first lover ever, his only lover he ever had and they have been together for two years, almost two years actually since they will celebrate their second anniversary together tomorrow.

Tee planned everything with his bestfirends to celebrate it tonight. Three of them are really excited and happy for Tee and his boyfriend.

"So, you decided to has your first time with him tonight?" ask Kit excited, Tee  is a virgin man, he wants to keep it special to his special person.

He actually want to wait till their wedding night but he knows James, his lover always give hints that he wants Tee that way more than once. James never force Tee with anything and always understand when Tee said no. They did kiss but nothing move more than that since Tee is not ready. James is a real gentleman.

"I'm nervous but I think I'm ready" replies Tee still feeling if he make a good choice.

"Tee, he has been with you for two years, he can wait that long so I'm sure Phi James can wait till your wedding night, if you are not ready yet" Farm try to calm Tee.

Some people might think Tee is too conservative but nothing is wrong living that way. Everyone has their own principles and beliefs and they have their right to do what they want in their life.

"Well, make love is what we do with our lover right and I'm ready now" Tee smiles widely. He tidies his hair and glasses because he is a little shy imagining their first time together.

Tee looks like a nerd, he likes hiding his face with his bang, people will call him a nerd but he never care because he knows his friends and people around him like him as him.

"Tee, it will be different later, when you face it in real but I know Phi James will treat you gently" Kit help to calm Tee too.

"I'm sure he will stop if you ask him to. Don't worry so much"

Tee looks at his friends and smile. He is really grateful he has supportive friends like them.

"thank you guys" three of them make a big hug and laughing happily.

The night Tee is waiting for is near, he make sure the food on the table is serve well. He reserve a romantic dinner at a restaurant to celebrate tonight, Tee even willing to try wine for the first time ever. He never likes alcoholic beverages but people told him it's a special day and wine will complete it so he decided to try a little since James like drinking too.

Tee waits patiently at the table, he is excited and nervous at the same time. James told him he is close to the restaurant and will arrive anytime soon. James also said he has something to talk about and Tee is really sure James will ask him to further their relationship more, maybe climbing another step, he saw a bix of ring in James's pocket a few days ago.

Tee didn't wear anything fancy, he just be himself in a better attire, hoping he will not embarrassed James to be underdress.

"Tee" James come and greet Tee with a small smile. Tee stands up excitedly and leans to kiss James on the cheek, they always greet each other like that.

James ignore Tee and sit in front of Tee. His eyes take a glance to everything Tee prepared for their anniversary night. Tee feels a little sad that James didn't kiss him like usual but he try to stay positive because he doesn't want to ruin the night.

"Are you tired today? I'm sorry for dragging you here,maybe we should have dinner at your place" Tee try to reach James's hands on the table but James pull it away from Tee.

"Let's eat first phi. I ordered your favorite" Tee smiles more even though he feels something is different right now.

"Tee, I have something important to tell you" James start without even touching his cutleris,its like he is ready to leave anytime soon and Tee start to feel scared.

"We can eat first phi, we can talk while eating" Tee feels like he needs to avoid the discussion, he doesn't feel good will come from it.

"No Tee, this is more important than eating." James is dead serious. Tee puts down his spoon and look at James eyes.

"We need to break up" that sentence breaks Tee's hearr and he is speechless with what he heard.

"I want to break up with you Tee" Explain James once again making Tee feels tears pooling in his eyes, his ears are ringing and heart beating real fast.

"why? Did I do anything wrong? What's wrong phi?" ask Tee almost begging. He can't accept this, why so sudden and why tonight?

"Our relationship is not balance Tee, I think I'm the one who is more active and I'm tired of being understanding too. I tolerate everything with you Tee and I started to feel tired"

Tee's tears flow like a waterfall. His heart continue breaking into tiny but sharp littlw pieces. He wants to wake up from this nightmare.

"I'm ready now phi, I will give you everything you want tonight phi. Please" begs Tee and hold James's hand.

James pull away his hand from Tee's grip.

"I'm done waiting Tee. Besides, I found someone already. Someone whose willing to treat me like how I treat her. Our love is more balance and I'm happier with her"

Tee feels like he was stabbed a few times at the same place. The pain is intolerable. He almost lost his breath when he heard everything.

"who is she phi? Since when you feel like this? Why hurt me like this?" ask Tee feelings helpless. No one can help him anymore, he is more than broken.

"it's me" a woman approach them while smiling proudly.

Tee is shocked because the woman is someone he knows, he knows her well

"huh? What is this phi? Phi Nin?" Nin is Tee's step sister. His father remarried but Tee is okay with his step mother and step sister. They aren't close but they didn't has any problem between them before.

"Tee, we have been together for six months" Nin sit beside James and they are holding hands.

How much pain Tee needs to feel tonight? He doesn't know what to feel anymore. Everything is more than shocking for him.

"Tee, I'm sorry if I hurt you but I want to be happy too. Nin and I, we are expecting for a baby soon. I'm sorry I have to let you go. I know you want me to be happy too right?"

Tee feels stupid for all the feelings he has for James before. How selfish was he to ask that from Tee?

"Fine. If you guys can still be happy after doing this to me, I have nothing else to say." Tee grabs the wine bottle. Open the cap and pour it on James's head. He is still crying because of this pain.

Tee left after that, he didn't even pay for the dinner and the wine. He is broken and wounded deep inside. How could they did all of this behind his back. He was so stupid to be played by them. They must enjoyed how stupid he look this past 6 months.

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