Part 13

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Tae even let Tee orders for both of them, Tee knows what to eat that he orders enough for both of them.  Tee might look thin but he can eat more than average, so it makes Tae quite startles with the amount of food served on their table.

"I'm sorry for ordering this much khun, don't worry I'll pay for myself" Tee apolgise for ordering lots of food. He is really hungry and he misses to eat everything on the table. He can't come here everyday so he wants to make his time here benefitable.

Tae laughs a little at Tee's apology. Maybe his reaction make Tee thinks he is troubling Tae for ordering lots of food.

"I'm paying Tee, you can order more if you want. Let's dig in" Tae puts chopsticks and spoon on Tee's plate and himself.

Tee just smiles and starts taking the foods from the plate, he even offers some on Tae's plate as a gratitude.

The awkward moment between them start decreasing when they are eating while talking small stuff. Tee doesn't realise it but he feels comfortable talking to Tae. He even can put aside the reality of Tae as his boss at work.

"I saw you talked to my youngest brother, Tan. You guys are friends?" Tae wants to know about their relationship real bad. Tae knows Tan is a social butterfly, he loves making friends but how they met?

Tee stops eating when the question about Tan was asked. He doesn't know what to answer but he knows he can't tell thw truth, including how they met again because of James wedding.

"Tan? He is your brother?" it doesn't sounds believable at all, Tee really can't lie for his life but he tried.

"Yes. He didn't tell you?" ask Tae more, Tee is safe because Tae doesn't think much about that, he just want to know how they met and know each other.

"he did! I think he did but maybe I forgot" Tee laughs nervously.

"so, how?" Tae is persistent about his curiosity.

Tee's brain working real hard on how to answer this question. It will be easier if he can tell the truth but he can't.

"from friends. He is friend of my other friend. We hang out once and we click well so, we started hanging out together. Four of us!" Tee prays god will forgive his sins for lying today, he doesn't want to be struck by lightning for lying.

Tae nods his head hearing the answer. He can accept it but he still wants to know more.

"So, did he talk about his girlfriend too?" ask Tae carefully.

"you know about it too? His suspicion about his girlfriend?" ask Tee directly. He really wants to help Tan solve the problem because Tan keep thinking negatively about his girlfriend. They even spy on Ying but nothing suspicious at all.

"yes. He talked to me and I try to find out but nothing, maybe he just think a lot" says Tae and Tee did agree with it. Instinct can't prove anything because he was cheated on for months but he didn't feel anything at all,maybe it's because he was so stupid.

The pain of his past relationship make him scared to trust in love and relationships again. It won't be easy for him to overcome this trauma and to try again.

"Not everyone will cheat, love did exist"

Tee wants to laugh when he heard that but he tries to cover it,he doesn't mean anything bad for Tae but the quote makes him angry.

"There are so many types of love" said Tee while continue putting food into his mouth. Tae puts down his spoon and look at Tee like he is asking Tee to say more.

Tee just keep his mouth shut after that and Tae doesn't want to ask more, he knows what happened to Tee because he remembers everything Tee said while he was drunk. He will not understand what Tee felt that night because he is never in love with anyone like that.

"Let's stop talking about cheaters,they are bad"

"Yeah. So, anyone special now khun?" Tee is teasing Tae now.

Everyone at the hotel loves to gossip and they love to talk about their boss too. It's rarely bad things but they are curious about their ceo's relationship. Is he dating anyone?

"I'm busy, I don't have time for that" answers Tae like usual, that's his famous answer for the famous question toward him.

"Don't lie khun, I'm sure there are lots women trying to woo you"

"I can't say a lot but a few, I did try to date someone but our relationship can't go far since she wants me to pay more attention towards her. I can't arrange my schedule well so I don't think I can give the best to my partner so we broke up" Tae knows he doesn't has to tell the story to Tee but he wants too.

Tee a little impress with Tae, for him Tae is a matured and serious man. It's normal for a man with a good career like Tae loves their jobs more than themselves.

They continue talking till it's already too late for Tee to go home. Tae offers to send Tee home since he is the one who forced Tee to come with him by car

"Don't have to send me khun,you already paid for the dinner. I can go home by own"

When Tee wants to go Tae pulls his hand making him stop walking away.

"It's late and I'm the one who takes you here. I will send you home" Tae insist of sending Tee home.

"What about my bike at the hotel?" Ask Tee trying to get away from this.

They are strangers, just a mere boss and staff relationship. How they can eat dinner together tonight already a mystery and now this boss want to send Tee home. They are not that close

"I will contact our security to park your bike at proper place. I will send you home tonight and if you have no transport to come to work tomorrow I can fetch you"

"No! You don't have to khun. My friends also work here so I can come with them."

Tae finally smiles because Tee is willing to let he send him home. They enter the car abd Tee sits politely like before, he is really scared he will dirty the car.

Tee put in his address when Tae asked him to do so. He gives the address of the house he rent with his friends, not his father's house.

"We are here" informs Tae. He stops his car in front of the lobby.

"Thank you so much khun for tonight"

"No problem. See you tomorrow, good night" Tee waits for the car to leave the building before he enters the lift.

Everything is still unreal for Tee,he even think he is delusional because of tonight.

Tee told everything to his friends and even them feels weird with Tae's behaviour.

They always hear people talk about how serious Tae is, he is not friendly enough to take his staff to dinner with him.

"I don't want to think anymore. I want to shower and then sleep. Good night!" Tee wishes good night to his friends and enters his room to rest.

He needs to rest since he needs to work tomorrow. He is already tired of thinking about what happened tonight.

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