Part 18

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Tan was taken home by his friends, they know the address well since they have come here to stalk to know the owner of the house. Kit helps Tan to get out of the car and Farm helps Tan to walk to the door.

"Isn't that our boss's car?" Ask Kit when he saw a familiar car parked here.

Tee starts to feel something is off but he doesn't want to think much right now, Tan is more important at the moment.

"Maybe they live together" answers Farm. It's normal for siblings to live together.

"Then, press the bell" Tee did what Kit told him since he is the only one has free hand right now.

They wait for a little bit before Tae opens the door and shocked to see four of them here.

"What happened?" Ask Tae and try to hold the drunk Tan into the house.

"Long story phi, can we put him into bed first?" Ask Farm, Tan is heavier than them because he is taller than them too. It's hard to support a drunk Tan.

Tae takes a side and helps Tan into the house, he can hear the story later.

"His room is upstairs" Tae helps Tan walking to the stairs since the room is on the second floor. Farm is holding at the other side.

Kit and Tee just follow silently from behind and be ready if Tan fall from behind. Tee's heart beating very fast each step he is taking. He can't remember well about this house inside but he still remember inside the room.

Tae opens a door and lead them into the room after switching on the lamp. Tee takes a glance around the room and he js already know it's not the room he has been before.

Tee just watch three of them taking care of Tan. He wants to be away from here so bad.

"You live together khun?" Ask Farm to Tae.

"I will wipe his body first" Kit talks at the same time Farm asked the question.

Tae helps finding a towel and a basin to Kit first before answering the question.

"He has his own apartment but sometimes he crashed here if he has problems. What happened?" Ask Tae once again.

Tee come to realisation when he heard the answer, it's not what he wants to hear. His head becomes fuzzy and everything from the night suddenly come to his head,after all those months passed and now everything is coming back to him like a recollection of memories.

"I don't know much but Tee said Tan saw his girlfriend cheated on him"three of them are telling Tae what happened to Tan.

Tae looks at Tee who is standing still at the door, Tee is holding his head like he is in pain.

"Tee, are you okay?" Tae walks to Tee to help Tee in case Tee need it. When Tae try to touch his shoulder Tee slaps the hand away.

"Tee?" Now his friends start to worry too.

"You knew it, you knew it was me right?" Ask Tee trembling.

"What happened Tee? What do you mean?" Ask Tae confused.

"Thst night! It was you, not Tan. It's you!" Tee wants to be away from here so he did that,he runs away.

"Tee!" Kit wants to run after Tee but Tae stop him.

"I will go after him, take care of Tan for me" Tae runs after Tee .

Tee already walking away from his house and Tae needs to run to catch up with Tee. He is not at the age to be running but since he likes to jog it helps a lot. He able to catch up with Tee in no time.

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