Part 30

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Tee, Han and Phoom wait for Tae at the emergency room,others are on their way to the hospital. Tee keeps moving from right to left, he can't sit still. Everyone is worried about Tae's condition.

Ying and Tan arrived after awhile, she comes running to her husband crying, she asked how is Tae and as a mother she is really worried.

"Tee?" Ying didn't know or realise Tee is here with them because she is focused on knowing about Tae's condition.

"Mae" calls Tee softly.

Ying hugs Tee tightly she keeps apologising to Tee.

"It's okay mae,por explain everything to me already and I'm sorry too" Ying looks at her husband, Han didn't tell her anything about him went to see Tee.

"Let's focus on Phi Tae first" Tee doesn't want to add more things to think right now, he wants Tae to be fine.

They keep waiting for an hour till a doctor come to them to inform about Tae's condition.

"Thankfully no fatal injuries, he broke two fingers and hurt his head, after all of the examination he is okay. He will be send to ward and all of you can see him there"

The good news brings tears to Tee and Ying, all of them are really glad to hear nothing bad happened to Tae.

Tee is holding hand with Ying, and they walk to the ward.

Tae is lying there with bandages wrapped on his head and fingers, he doesn't look good but doctor said he is okay and stable, it makes them grateful enough.

Ying sits beside Tae and caress Tae's face softly, as a mother she can't see her son in pain that's make her cry again and Tee hugs her shoulder.

"I will sue the rider, how dare he hit my son" Ying is angry with the rider, but right now the man already arrested by the police with the help of People catch him when he tried to escape.

"You need to be calm mae, I'm sure Por will handle it" Tee helps Ying to calm down.

"Mae, I will buy dinner for us, you wait here okay?" Tee and Ying are already sitting here for hours,they skipped lunch, they are worried but they need to eat too.

"Okay, be careful"

Tee smiles and leaves the room, he walks to the canteen to pack dinner. Han and Tan already go home after visiting Tae and they will come again to fetch Ying later. Tee insisted of staying with Tae tonight.

Tee is done buying the food and he go back to the ward. When he is close and wants to open the door he hears Tae and Ying are talking, he is excited since Tae is already awake but he waits to listen what they are talking about when they said his name.

"It's only been a day mae, and I'm already miss him that much that I thought I saw him before I lost consciousness"

"I want to see him, I don't want to wait but I promised I will wait"

"Mae, even though we were pretending as a lover,but that was a fantastic memories for me. Even though I've no right to feel jealous, I still feel jealous when someone try to approach him"

"I love him Mae" Tae smiles sadly, when he opens his eyes, he called for Tee first, because he remembers seeing Tee before he fainted.

"I want to see him, but I can't"

"Tae, everything happened is my fault, I shouldn't lie to him" Ying still feel guilty for what happened to Tae and Tee

"It's not your fault mae, you did it because you know I won't take any step further because I'm stupid in romance."  Tae never blames his mother in this matter, because his mother makes him realise how happy he is when he was with Tee.

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