Part 10

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Tee thinks something is not right, at first he thought it was just a coincidence he keeps on seeing the ceo everywhere. He needs to confirm something because if it was Tae he spent the night with why Tae looks so calm and normal in front of him, to ignore it as a coincidence is not right too.

Tee,Kit and Farm decided to go to the house Tee slept that night. He still remembers the way to the house and maybe if he sees who's staying at that house he will know which one of them he met.

Three of them are hiding while sneaking around to see if any man enters the main gate. They are getting tired after waiting for one hour, maybe today is not a good day for them

"Should we give up today and try again tomorrow?" Ask Farm, he starts to feel hungry too.

"Yeah, it's late already. Maybe he won't be coming home tonight" Tee agrees with Farm. He is also starting to feel tired and hungry too.

When three of them are ready to give up and go to find their dinner a car enters the gate. Three of them hide behind the wall and wait to see who is entering the house

Their wait wasn't long when they saw a tall and handsome man get off from the car and open the door with the key.

Three of them are speechless, no one says anything,they can hear their own breath.

"It's the youngest son" mutters Kit, Tee leans on the wall, he doesn't know what to feel. Did he feel glad or sad, he can't decide his own feelings now.

"Let's go." Tee pulls the Kit and Farm's hand, there is nothing else to see now. They already know who is the owner of the house. At least Tee won't see him every day like Tae.

"Phi Phoom said he is straight" mutters Tee still remembers what he and Phoom talked about a few days ago.

"Is or was?" Ask Farm.

"I don't know. Let's go eat, I'm hungry" response Tee. He doesn't want to think about the past anymore. If in case he meet The man and he remembers him, he will think about it when it happens. He has a lot to think more than that, besides it's the truth, whatever they did that night is consensual.

'at least I can work at ease now. I already know that it's not the ceo but his brother. I don't have to avoid him anymore. It's better this way' Tee consoles his own heart and smiles,he did feel relieved because he will not be so close to that man.


Tae slams the door shut and walk to the kitchen,he can hear someone is cooking from the living room.

Tae leans at the entrance and see his youngest brother is cooking Pasta.

"Why are you here in my house?" Ask Tae without any greeting,it gives a good jump for Tan who is focused on preparing food, or maybe lost in his own thoughts.

"Can't you greet me first?!" Ask Tan angry for Tae's asking him like that

Tae chuckles and take a glass of water before he drinks it in one gulp.

"I will refresh myself and then we will talk" Tae leaves the kitchen and go to his bedroom. Tae knows Tan very well, Tan must has a big problem that he can't solve alone that's why he is here

It's either he has an argument with his parent or maybe with his girlfriend. Tan loves fashion very much and his por doesn't support him in this industry very much. Tan loves fashion that he is willing to take double degree in fashion and business because of their father.

Tan almost ran away from home when their father opposed his decision to take fashion designing but thankfully everything went better after a deep discussion. Tae support his baby brother to do what he loves and he is willing to support Tan financially too if their father won't support Tan but Tan promised he will study business too. It's all in the past, everything is good now but it's not the best yet. If they didn't talk about the topic it will be great.

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